Tekky is teh cool (that's right, TEH)
MonsterMurdock, also very cool (no teh. teh must be used with great care lest it spawn more aberrant vocal adventures)
Baseline reaction - Eviscerate
Not exactly socially acceptable.
I enjoy the warp and weft of words. So many options when it comes to telling someone to go away and I'm out of practice. I ran out of ways, warps, wefts, words. Is being an outright asshole required? would telling him to fuck off have worked better?
I don't really enjoy the "fuckoff" level of language. I have no skill in it. It feeds upon itself among the people familiar with it's usage. Forms very intricate patterns that I just can't grasp.
So I try to use words and ways I'm familiar with. Really didn't work at all. Having to fight with the baseline reaction didn't much assist my wordy attempts. Some violent shaking and a need for oxygen once the initial encounter ended.
I enjoy the booze as much as the next guy, but it's a bad sign when your friends drag you into a bar and then run away because you happen to be an exceedingly annoying drunk.
MonsterMurdock, also very cool (no teh. teh must be used with great care lest it spawn more aberrant vocal adventures)
Baseline reaction - Eviscerate
Not exactly socially acceptable.
I enjoy the warp and weft of words. So many options when it comes to telling someone to go away and I'm out of practice. I ran out of ways, warps, wefts, words. Is being an outright asshole required? would telling him to fuck off have worked better?
I don't really enjoy the "fuckoff" level of language. I have no skill in it. It feeds upon itself among the people familiar with it's usage. Forms very intricate patterns that I just can't grasp.
So I try to use words and ways I'm familiar with. Really didn't work at all. Having to fight with the baseline reaction didn't much assist my wordy attempts. Some violent shaking and a need for oxygen once the initial encounter ended.
I enjoy the booze as much as the next guy, but it's a bad sign when your friends drag you into a bar and then run away because you happen to be an exceedingly annoying drunk.

Ha ha that I couldn't believe. I mean who ditches their friend?? Unless he just ran away on them... even his girlfriend left him. But then if I were that chick I would have literally left him ages ago.

umm i just came home and it was there....i'm lucky like that....