hmmmmmm, it has been a while
Stuff happens, Kareoke remains awesome. My car is away getting fixed, this weekend is going to be cold. Little tiny car heater I posess will not likely be enough to heat the space of the van.
I have obtained for myself a new haircut with the helpfull advice of the Malicemoose and the Hairdresser. I am told it looks good, and I believe that to be true.
We also went wandering around, she got videogames(I'm jealous). Mostly it's the fact that one of the games she picked up was one of the ones stolen from me in college.
So many things going on these days. Busy busy busy moose. It's not so much the busy, it's the monies, my car is being expensive, the brat.
Stuff happens, Kareoke remains awesome. My car is away getting fixed, this weekend is going to be cold. Little tiny car heater I posess will not likely be enough to heat the space of the van.
I have obtained for myself a new haircut with the helpfull advice of the Malicemoose and the Hairdresser. I am told it looks good, and I believe that to be true.
We also went wandering around, she got videogames(I'm jealous). Mostly it's the fact that one of the games she picked up was one of the ones stolen from me in college.
So many things going on these days. Busy busy busy moose. It's not so much the busy, it's the monies, my car is being expensive, the brat.
Smack that car upside the head and tell it how it is....
Ick, I've been putting off taking my car in... I think it needs a new CV joint in the front, and I just don't think I can handle that sort of cash wad right now. Kind of stupid since it will probably cease up on me instead and create a whole new bundle of problems.
And I just got the damn thing 4 months ago lol