this is your year. take better care of your health. rest and exercise well. drive carefully. however, there is a lucky sign that will help you through most troubles. at work, you get on well with your superior and elderly people. you do well with design or artwork. do not change jobs or start a new business. as for wealth, the better known you are, the more money you can make. do not gamble or speculate. your romantic relationships may be somewhat volatile. beware of a third party coming between you and your loved one. regarding health, you tend to tire easily. watch out for problems involving your liver and gallbladder.
you are doomed.
it's true.
this is your year. take better care of your health. rest and exercise well. drive carefully. however, there is a lucky sign that will help you through most troubles. at work, you get on well with your superior and elderly people. you do well with design or artwork. do not change jobs or start a new business. as for wealth, the better known you are, the more money you can make. do not gamble or speculate. your romantic relationships may be somewhat volatile. beware of a third party coming between you and your loved one. regarding health, you tend to tire easily. watch out for problems involving your liver and gallbladder.