It seemed this thing was going around
When was the last time you..
1. Had sex: Anyone know the square root of never?
2. Bought something: I purchased my car an oil change and used one of those "look under the cap" thingies to obtain a bottle of sprite
3. Gotten sick: I can not recall, I must dodge really good
4. Buggered off
5. Been kissed: zee mother, a week ago or so as i headed off to hamilton again
6. Ate something: 6 hours ago, sammich!.
7. Felt stupid: 6 hours ago, but I'm sure my brain will realize I've woken up soon enough.
8. Talked to an ex: I think you need to have a relationship in order to have an ex.
9. Missed someone: I missed hitting this guy that was riding my blind spot on my way home from work this morning, probably for the better.
10. Hugged someone: Can not specifically recall.
Last person who....
1. Slept in your bed: Me, Myself, I.
2. Saw you cry : no clue, it's been a while.
3. Made you cry: My brain.
4. You went to the movies with: Malice, we went to see Corpse Bride. I got nachos, they were incredibly stale. I exchanged them for new ones. Movie was ok, songs could have been better.
5. You went to the mall with: better question, when's the last time I went to a mall...... *ponders*
Last person you....
1. Said "I Love You" to and meant it: Zee mother.
2. Got in a fight with: I am not a violent moose.
Have You...
3. Been to California: no.
4. Been to Mexico: no. senor
5. Been to China: no.
6. Been to Canada: no. waitaminit.....
7. Been to Europe: Yes.
8. Been to Central America: no.
some more questions...
1. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes, but I am bad at these things. I blame my brain
2. What book are you reading now: Legacies - L.e. Modesitt Jr.
3. Worst feeling in the world: Betrayal.
4. Future KIDS names: Dunno if I want any.
6. What's under your bed: Dust bunnies, Dust wolves are hunting them
7. Favorite sport to watch: Soccer is amusing to watch!
8. Location: Hamilton, Ontario
9. Piercing/Tattoos: Branding, tattoo eventually.
10. Do you drink: Does the pope crap in the woods?
11. What are you most scared of right now: I am afraid nothing will ever change.
12. Where do you want to get married: never gave it much thought.
13. Who do you really hate: Humanity.
14. Do you like being around people: Those I know
15. Have you ever liked someone you have no chance with: Yes
16. Have you ever cried: Yes.
17. Are you lonely right now: yeah, thanks for reminding me. jerk!
18. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: Tetsuo - Conducted by - Yamashiro Shoji
Performed by - Geinoh Yamashirogumi
19. Been in love: nope.
20. Played strip poker: nope.
21. Gotten beaten up: Pounded on in gradeschool.
22. Been on radio/TV: Take your kid to work day. got interviewed on rogers community 10 morning news show thingey.
23. Been in a mosh-pit: Rammstein at the docks.
24. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: Yes.
25. Skinny dipped: Yes.
26. Real name: Jason Aaron LaPine.
27. Height: 5'10.
28. fav food: Chicken.
29: Drink: Blue juice
When was the last time you..
1. Had sex: Anyone know the square root of never?
2. Bought something: I purchased my car an oil change and used one of those "look under the cap" thingies to obtain a bottle of sprite
3. Gotten sick: I can not recall, I must dodge really good
4. Buggered off
5. Been kissed: zee mother, a week ago or so as i headed off to hamilton again
6. Ate something: 6 hours ago, sammich!.
7. Felt stupid: 6 hours ago, but I'm sure my brain will realize I've woken up soon enough.
8. Talked to an ex: I think you need to have a relationship in order to have an ex.
9. Missed someone: I missed hitting this guy that was riding my blind spot on my way home from work this morning, probably for the better.
10. Hugged someone: Can not specifically recall.
Last person who....
1. Slept in your bed: Me, Myself, I.
2. Saw you cry : no clue, it's been a while.
3. Made you cry: My brain.
4. You went to the movies with: Malice, we went to see Corpse Bride. I got nachos, they were incredibly stale. I exchanged them for new ones. Movie was ok, songs could have been better.
5. You went to the mall with: better question, when's the last time I went to a mall...... *ponders*
Last person you....
1. Said "I Love You" to and meant it: Zee mother.
2. Got in a fight with: I am not a violent moose.
Have You...
3. Been to California: no.
4. Been to Mexico: no. senor
5. Been to China: no.
6. Been to Canada: no. waitaminit.....
7. Been to Europe: Yes.
8. Been to Central America: no.
some more questions...
1. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes, but I am bad at these things. I blame my brain
2. What book are you reading now: Legacies - L.e. Modesitt Jr.
3. Worst feeling in the world: Betrayal.
4. Future KIDS names: Dunno if I want any.
6. What's under your bed: Dust bunnies, Dust wolves are hunting them
7. Favorite sport to watch: Soccer is amusing to watch!
8. Location: Hamilton, Ontario
9. Piercing/Tattoos: Branding, tattoo eventually.
10. Do you drink: Does the pope crap in the woods?
11. What are you most scared of right now: I am afraid nothing will ever change.
12. Where do you want to get married: never gave it much thought.
13. Who do you really hate: Humanity.
14. Do you like being around people: Those I know
15. Have you ever liked someone you have no chance with: Yes
16. Have you ever cried: Yes.
17. Are you lonely right now: yeah, thanks for reminding me. jerk!
18. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: Tetsuo - Conducted by - Yamashiro Shoji
Performed by - Geinoh Yamashirogumi
19. Been in love: nope.
20. Played strip poker: nope.
21. Gotten beaten up: Pounded on in gradeschool.
22. Been on radio/TV: Take your kid to work day. got interviewed on rogers community 10 morning news show thingey.
23. Been in a mosh-pit: Rammstein at the docks.
24. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: Yes.
25. Skinny dipped: Yes.
26. Real name: Jason Aaron LaPine.
27. Height: 5'10.
28. fav food: Chicken.
29: Drink: Blue juice
, I am like so happy I am your crush