well the meet on sunday was another resounding success* with a total of 1 person turning up [and they are't even a current member right now
] got to watch the first half of the Chelsea v Arsenal game and bumped into a few friends ive not sen in a while, so not everything was lost
sunday night i went round to a mates house and a few of use sat in his back garden swilling a few ice cold beers cos his parents where away [although we think the silly sod broke the fingers on his left hand before the night was out
had my first check up at teh fracture clinic today about my leg, didnt ay much except im to go ack in 4 weeks for another check up and im getting physiotherapy this time to help gain movement in my knee and strength in my muscles
(i never had any physio last time as my consultant said i didnt need any)
tomorrow i have to go to my local job centre to sort out my sick pay as ive had my full 28 weeks entitlement this year (that ended the week i went back into hospital but i only found out towards the end of last week and have had to wait for my sick note to be returned) i really hate dole offices epsecially as i live in a counsil estate
but if i get it sorted i have 4 weeks back pay coming my way
nothing planed for this weekend as yet, will probabaly just be heading round to a mates to drink a few cans
next weekend (3/9/05) im heading to london for the afternoon as im going to watch Chicargo in the afternoon and then Stomp in teh evening at the theatre, both shows are in theatres situated on the strand, if i get chance i might try to meet up with a couple of people in between the shows for a quick drink
thats about all for now
*heavy sarcasm

sunday night i went round to a mates house and a few of use sat in his back garden swilling a few ice cold beers cos his parents where away [although we think the silly sod broke the fingers on his left hand before the night was out

had my first check up at teh fracture clinic today about my leg, didnt ay much except im to go ack in 4 weeks for another check up and im getting physiotherapy this time to help gain movement in my knee and strength in my muscles

tomorrow i have to go to my local job centre to sort out my sick pay as ive had my full 28 weeks entitlement this year (that ended the week i went back into hospital but i only found out towards the end of last week and have had to wait for my sick note to be returned) i really hate dole offices epsecially as i live in a counsil estate

nothing planed for this weekend as yet, will probabaly just be heading round to a mates to drink a few cans
next weekend (3/9/05) im heading to london for the afternoon as im going to watch Chicargo in the afternoon and then Stomp in teh evening at the theatre, both shows are in theatres situated on the strand, if i get chance i might try to meet up with a couple of people in between the shows for a quick drink

thats about all for now

*heavy sarcasm
i thought i'd shock people and put a dead body in my journal. yum yum! too bad you're too far away for sunset junction, i'll take some pictures though, don't worry!
yea, i hate today especially coz i feel like everything i say someone wants to contradict it. Its highly frustrating. :S