stolen from Cherries
A is for age: 22
B is for booze: Ale/Bitter
C is for career: possibly one day
D is for dad's name: Richard
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Alcohol
F is for favorite song at the moment: 'Ass Like That' Eminem
G is for girlfriend: really whats that then?
H is for hometown: Manchester, UK
I is for instruments you play: Bss Guitar, Rytham Guitar, Drums (none all that well i must add)
J is for jam or jelly you like: none
K is for kids: none
L is for living arrangements: living with mum still
(its cheaper than my own pad
M is for mom's name: Susan
N is for name of a friend: Paul (hes not on the site
O is for overnight hospital stays: let me think!!! at least 6 maybee more
P is for phobias: Heights
Q is for quote you like: "Shit Happens!" "look on the bright side, it'll soon be christmas"
R is for relationship that lasted longest:
S is for sexual position: anys good
T is for time you wake up: when im working around 7 am, at the min nearer 2 pm
U is for unique trait/feature: being too laid back for drugs to have an effect
V is for vegetable you love: Potatoes (so many options
W is for worst trait//feature: im too laid back
X is for x-rays you've had: quite a few since i had a rod insrted into my right thigh, more to come too
Y is for yummy food you make: i dont really cook
Z is for zodiac sign: Scorpio. can sting
hugs & kisses
steaky ![kiss](
A is for age: 22
B is for booze: Ale/Bitter
C is for career: possibly one day
D is for dad's name: Richard
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Alcohol
F is for favorite song at the moment: 'Ass Like That' Eminem
G is for girlfriend: really whats that then?
H is for hometown: Manchester, UK
I is for instruments you play: Bss Guitar, Rytham Guitar, Drums (none all that well i must add)
J is for jam or jelly you like: none
K is for kids: none
L is for living arrangements: living with mum still
M is for mom's name: Susan
N is for name of a friend: Paul (hes not on the site
O is for overnight hospital stays: let me think!!! at least 6 maybee more
P is for phobias: Heights
Q is for quote you like: "Shit Happens!" "look on the bright side, it'll soon be christmas"
R is for relationship that lasted longest:
S is for sexual position: anys good
T is for time you wake up: when im working around 7 am, at the min nearer 2 pm
U is for unique trait/feature: being too laid back for drugs to have an effect
V is for vegetable you love: Potatoes (so many options
W is for worst trait//feature: im too laid back
X is for x-rays you've had: quite a few since i had a rod insrted into my right thigh, more to come too
Y is for yummy food you make: i dont really cook
Z is for zodiac sign: Scorpio. can sting
hugs & kisses
Hope you're doing ok
Michelle xx