Don't worry people, I'm still alive, just not very active at the moment.
weekend was good. brief run down:
Friday i went to a family christmas party (something i felt
about). Which turned out to be supprisingly o.k. Half my family didn't turn up (including my father, thankfully), but my two cousins that live in Ireland were over visiting, which i didn't know about until i arived at the party, walked past Peter at the door, after not recognising him, then seeing Katie sat by the bar with one of her friends that was over with them.
So the night ensued with me drinking modestly (at least for me), watching over insane little kids, having a 5 year old girl try to hit on my
, and generally avoiding aunts whist tormenting some of my cousins.
Saturday i went round to a mates to celebrate his birthday (which was on friday, but the party was on saturday). started drinking around 7.30pm. left Al's around 4-5am and headed round to Pauls with what was left of the larger. three of us continued to drink until around 6.30am when we decided it was time to call it a night. Most impressive part of the night was Al not getting totaly wankered by 1am, instead pacing himself and still consious and bareable at 4am
Sunday evening I sobered up fairly quickly, watched some of the afternoons European Rugby matches, then went to my first ever fire meet in Manchester, which involved a lot of people, a lot of alcohol, a lot of canabis and a lot more parafin. I span some poi, learnt a couple of new moves with them, met some great people, didn't smoke or drink (despite being tempted, the Jaegermaster was a tough one to refuse) and tried spinning fire for the first time in mmy life, as well as chickening out of trying fire breathing, but i may try that at the next meet.
still doing te job hunting, but I'm not holding out much hope of getting a job this side of christmas now. cleared the last lot of application forms only for another one to form
on with that tomorrow me thinks though
I am also thinking about trying my hand at an engineering project after christmas, so if there is anyone out there with some engineering of physics knowledge willing to offer some info to me, leave me a message
hope everyone is well adn good and ready for Easter which is just around the cornern now

weekend was good. brief run down:
Friday i went to a family christmas party (something i felt

So the night ensued with me drinking modestly (at least for me), watching over insane little kids, having a 5 year old girl try to hit on my

Saturday i went round to a mates to celebrate his birthday (which was on friday, but the party was on saturday). started drinking around 7.30pm. left Al's around 4-5am and headed round to Pauls with what was left of the larger. three of us continued to drink until around 6.30am when we decided it was time to call it a night. Most impressive part of the night was Al not getting totaly wankered by 1am, instead pacing himself and still consious and bareable at 4am

Sunday evening I sobered up fairly quickly, watched some of the afternoons European Rugby matches, then went to my first ever fire meet in Manchester, which involved a lot of people, a lot of alcohol, a lot of canabis and a lot more parafin. I span some poi, learnt a couple of new moves with them, met some great people, didn't smoke or drink (despite being tempted, the Jaegermaster was a tough one to refuse) and tried spinning fire for the first time in mmy life, as well as chickening out of trying fire breathing, but i may try that at the next meet.

still doing te job hunting, but I'm not holding out much hope of getting a job this side of christmas now. cleared the last lot of application forms only for another one to form

I am also thinking about trying my hand at an engineering project after christmas, so if there is anyone out there with some engineering of physics knowledge willing to offer some info to me, leave me a message

hope everyone is well adn good and ready for Easter which is just around the cornern now

What's happened to you?