Just to let you all know that I have just cannelled my account as I no longer use it enough and am kinda over the whole experience.
I have been a memeber for nearly 4 years now and have made a great deal of new friends in various different countries as a result. But the time has come for me to finally move on to...
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I have been a memeber for nearly 4 years now and have made a great deal of new friends in various different countries as a result. But the time has come for me to finally move on to...
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you better still be coming to the states. especially through uh maryland.
great video ahahahh

Of course! I am the crazy cat lady!!!
HAHA! As i was typing Cipher tried to jump from my leg to the bed and totally missed... poor darling!!!
HAHA! As i was typing Cipher tried to jump from my leg to the bed and totally missed... poor darling!!!
Well I finally made it home from Australia. I had a ball of a time.
Thank you to everyone who made me feel welcome out there!
I just wish I had been ableto meet more of you whilst I was there. As well has had more fun times with you all.
If anyone gets the chance, you should hook up with the guys on the...
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Thank you to everyone who made me feel welcome out there!
I just wish I had been ableto meet more of you whilst I was there. As well has had more fun times with you all.
If anyone gets the chance, you should hook up with the guys on the...
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Her name is Heidi. 

one step at a time, man. i'm going out to new orleans in three weeks to see [MEMBER]Selket[/MEMBER] & [MEMBER]Parikhan[/MEMBER]. i can only afford so much. heehee. soon, hopefully. when is it you're coming to the states again?
Stage balls and a large empty skate park shortly after sun-rise is great fun 
p.s. Melbourne rocks!

p.s. Melbourne rocks!
'stage balls'??
sounds like you're having fun down there!
sounds like you're having fun down there!
Well I resolved that last situation, in a fasion. Will not go into it now, but I have a while before I have to actually do anything about it
Anyway This weekend. Wow! Just about sums it up. Friday I got drunk in the Valley with two of my house mates, who take forever to get ready, and got home around 3.30am. It was a...
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Anyway This weekend. Wow! Just about sums it up. Friday I got drunk in the Valley with two of my house mates, who take forever to get ready, and got home around 3.30am. It was a...
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Ah well. That's alright. It was a good time. I don't regret walking away from the Danish birds. Well, not much.

So you won't want me to tell you that it's only 53 days until I get to Manchester then
Enjoy the rest of your time while you are there
So what will you be doing when you get back? Job hunting again, or do you have something to come back to?

Enjoy the rest of your time while you are there

So what will you be doing when you get back? Job hunting again, or do you have something to come back to?
CrazyJadles befits her name! Lexiphanic, by default, is also crazy! & we won't hold his silly London/Southampton accent agains him
Tez can be very distracting but is great fun to have on a quiz team! Allure is great and has an amazing car! _indigo_ is amazingly hot! Lelaina has the most spankable ass
Daeos Looks like an out-take from 'A Clockwork Orange' when he...
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I'm glad to hear it!!
No way, Christian Bale every time! He can be anyone you want him to be....and come on, he was the voice for Howl in Howl's Moving Castle. The only cartoon I ever loved

No way, Christian Bale every time! He can be anyone you want him to be....and come on, he was the voice for Howl in Howl's Moving Castle. The only cartoon I ever loved

ta. just ask before you spank next time

Well, nearly 2 months since I left these glorious pages and now I am back.
What has changed in two months I hear you cry (O.k. two people asked in passing). Well I now have a job, hence the reason why I am back, and for a whole year no less.
I am back doing labouring on construction sites. Its long arduous work, but it's...
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What has changed in two months I hear you cry (O.k. two people asked in passing). Well I now have a job, hence the reason why I am back, and for a whole year no less.
I am back doing labouring on construction sites. Its long arduous work, but it's...
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Oz ey? It's alright for some?
Hows Manc?
Hows Manc?
. . u gone . . me hope u be havin grrrreat time . . mail me let me knows ya good?

Guess who's back bitches?
Thats right I am back on SG for at least the next 12 months.
Thats right I am back on SG for at least the next 12 months.
i was a bit worried.
welcome back
any more injuries?
any more injuries?

So today I had a check up at fracture clinic on my leg. And guess what?
I GOT DISCHARGED. Thats right bitches, I'm all fixed
Still continuing with the physiotherapy for the time being as I still have a couple of issues to iron out with my muscles, but on the whole everything is mended.
I was also given a copy of my X-ray taken...
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I GOT DISCHARGED. Thats right bitches, I'm all fixed

I was also given a copy of my X-ray taken...
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That looks like some break!!

Yay! Glad yr all fixed and better
And that's an impressive crack, yr a braver soul than me to have some doctor plonking a pin in yr bone

And that's an impressive crack, yr a braver soul than me to have some doctor plonking a pin in yr bone

Well, its been almost 2 weeks since my last update and a lot has happened.
Saturday (27th May) I met a few friends for a small, chilled out spinning meet in Platt Fields Park, Manc. We chilled out in the sun for a few hours, span a little, attracted the usual assortment of weirdos, then went back to Rees house for tea and biscuits. Over...
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Saturday (27th May) I met a few friends for a small, chilled out spinning meet in Platt Fields Park, Manc. We chilled out in the sun for a few hours, span a little, attracted the usual assortment of weirdos, then went back to Rees house for tea and biscuits. Over...
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Heys... Thank you hunnny...xx
you seem to have nice friends!!! good to hear from you!