I learned an important lesson today that Happiness does not exist and should be replace
by the word CONTENT or SATISFIED the mere act of trying to make somebody happy will
almost always exhaust you and burn you out to ultimate new levels.
Happiness is all in all just a temporary state and if somebody is "happy" today chances are in a week they will be looking for something else to make them happier
if anybody can tell me honestly that they are very happy or that they have found the secret to "true happiness"
ill have to call them out and spit in their face for lying to me
see this guy right here
he is full of shit and its only a atter of time before he becomes this guy
or this guy
and in trying to make people happy ill be this one
before any of that happens
your pal
by the word CONTENT or SATISFIED the mere act of trying to make somebody happy will
almost always exhaust you and burn you out to ultimate new levels.
Happiness is all in all just a temporary state and if somebody is "happy" today chances are in a week they will be looking for something else to make them happier
if anybody can tell me honestly that they are very happy or that they have found the secret to "true happiness"
ill have to call them out and spit in their face for lying to me
see this guy right here

your pal
Love the tattoo.