I went to the office for two hours
I did fuck all of nothing
I did fuck all of nothing
In all fairness, it’s hard to get much done when the courts are closed through (at least) the end next month.
I ran three miles
I showered
I ate
I took the dogs on a three mile walk.
In all fairness, it’s hard to get much done when the courts are closed through (at least) the end next month.
I ran three miles
I showered
I ate
I took the dogs on a three mile walk.
I had planned to mow the yard
to do some weeding
to finally replace the rubber bands and twist ties which keep my pots and pans from sliding on the pot rack with something more dignified
to do some weeding
to finally replace the rubber bands and twist ties which keep my pots and pans from sliding on the pot rack with something more dignified
<img src=https://66.media.tumblr.com/726b009378379edb96fb861c60f03850/tumblr_pb7tnwVpQP1wzypxlo1_540.gifv>
I can always do that
<img src=https://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3xe9rrdgy1qhqblio1_500.gif>
I hope that your office is at least clean if you're going in...or is it a wreck like my desk is currently? Haha. Plans are good, plans for tomorrow are better.