Well its official im a dumbass cuz i got my 2nd dui,so im gonna call my lawyer back up and spend another two to three thousand....actually more than that on that ass hole that keeps me out of jail even though i'll prob still spend some time. .08 is our legal limit so yea i had .12 wich is .04 over the legal limit so my conclusion is im a dumbass for getting pulled over for driving 10 miles over and agreeing to do the breath test that i thought was gonna be a walk in the park by scoreing under...but that was'nt the case so now...im screwed becuz even though yer not buzzing you can still get a dui,goodbye late night on the weekends on my days off driving goodbye womens houses who i would come a spend the night with and goodbye drivers license.....damn it im gonna have to get a state id now...SHIT! And im a dumbass