ah, things are so strange and good right now. the past week has been a huge mix of happy things and sad things and crazy things and exciting things and scary things. whew.
im really worried about rosiedog. she aint feelin so hot. sha cant keep any food down, shes really weak, and i just found a huge open sore in her "armpit".
i feel like crap, both phsically and emotionally. i tried going out last night, didnt work so well. as soon as i left the house, i wanted... Read More
Listen to SPM. I had 100% boredom for the whole of my twenties, including owning a house with a white picket fence, having a son, and more gardening than was actually enjoyable.
Now I'm divorced and broke, and finding it difficult to party like a twenty year old because it's tough to find a babysitter on short notice.
jesus christ. i cant come out to seattle without getting sick off my ass! i might go home early. i dont wanna, but if im gonna be sick, i wanna be sick at home, dammit! plus bumbershoot is this weekend and i know that if i go im gonna pay for it in a baaaaaaad way. *sneeze!*
so how're you and new boy?