still sick, still in 'bama, blah blah blah.
im really worried about rosiedog. she aint feelin so hot. sha cant keep any food down, shes really weak, and i just found a huge open sore in her "armpit".
i feel like crap, both phsically and emotionally. i tried going out last night, didnt work so well. as soon as i left the house, i wanted to be back home. but i kicked some ass in scrabble, that was fun.
i miss hominid211. i really fucked things up, and i wish i could take it all back. i wanna go back a couple years. id have done a few things differently.
bleh. i need something to do with my life. all this wandering around and wasting time really kinda sucks. i crave *dare i say* boredom. i want to be 100% typical american. i want to get up and go to work early in the morning, come home at approximately 5pm, make dinner for my somebody, relax, and go to bed at a reasonable hour. have some sex a few nights a week, maybe take little roadtrips or work in the yard on weekends. that sounds fantastic right about now.
"our house is a very very very fine house, with two cats in the yard, life used to be so hard, now everything is easy 'cause of yoooooooou...."
im really worried about rosiedog. she aint feelin so hot. sha cant keep any food down, shes really weak, and i just found a huge open sore in her "armpit".
i feel like crap, both phsically and emotionally. i tried going out last night, didnt work so well. as soon as i left the house, i wanted to be back home. but i kicked some ass in scrabble, that was fun.
i miss hominid211. i really fucked things up, and i wish i could take it all back. i wanna go back a couple years. id have done a few things differently.
bleh. i need something to do with my life. all this wandering around and wasting time really kinda sucks. i crave *dare i say* boredom. i want to be 100% typical american. i want to get up and go to work early in the morning, come home at approximately 5pm, make dinner for my somebody, relax, and go to bed at a reasonable hour. have some sex a few nights a week, maybe take little roadtrips or work in the yard on weekends. that sounds fantastic right about now.
"our house is a very very very fine house, with two cats in the yard, life used to be so hard, now everything is easy 'cause of yoooooooou...."
Now I'm divorced and broke, and finding it difficult to party like a twenty year old because it's tough to find a babysitter on short notice.
Plenty of time, plenty of time.