the roomies are driving me insane. i seriously dont know how much longer i can deal with it. they keep bumming smokes (and when i leave them out, even for a minute when im not in the room, they just steal them. theyve stolen whole packs several times), sneaking the booze and food, throwing things away that i dont want messed with, and just overall annoying the shit out of me. i understand, theyre broke and miserable, but so am i! they even try to blame my dog when their dog pees on the floor. they bitch about having to buy cat food and cat litter. i only have one cat, they have three. plus, my cat likes wet food, which makes their cats sick, so even if i try to feed my cat his own food, they bitch about it. ugh im just so tired of this crap.


thanks for the kind words. Hope your life goes swell. later.