ready, set, update!
-yay! im not sick anymore! i was out of it for awhile, my mom gave me the worst cold EVER.
-hominid211 is cleaning the oven, and the fumes are making my eyes hurt and my stomach angry.
-we're having a yardsale this weekend! junk, art, and more junk, ahoy! email me if youre in 'bama and wanna know the top-secret location. we need money.
-we're also going to o-hiya in a few weeks. need to get outta town for a couple days.
-my dog kicks your dog's ass. we taught her "sit" and "lay down". shes got those figured out. now we're working on "quiet". next up: "stay" and "shake". riveting, i know. she also likes to dance, and she will murder a squeaky toy as soon as it hits the floor. pictures will be up as soon as i can get nickypants to get them off the cd (im retahted)
-yay! im not sick anymore! i was out of it for awhile, my mom gave me the worst cold EVER.
-hominid211 is cleaning the oven, and the fumes are making my eyes hurt and my stomach angry.
-we're having a yardsale this weekend! junk, art, and more junk, ahoy! email me if youre in 'bama and wanna know the top-secret location. we need money.
-we're also going to o-hiya in a few weeks. need to get outta town for a couple days.
-my dog kicks your dog's ass. we taught her "sit" and "lay down". shes got those figured out. now we're working on "quiet". next up: "stay" and "shake". riveting, i know. she also likes to dance, and she will murder a squeaky toy as soon as it hits the floor. pictures will be up as soon as i can get nickypants to get them off the cd (im retahted)
It comes in super handy.