Thursday Jan 01, 2004 Dec 31, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email mreh? VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS jerrythirteen: Random comment: loved the Fibonacci sequence reference in that comment you made, which is why I'm here. I also liked the JTHM picture. And the Lene Lovitch reference is even better. But "mreh?"...I just don't get it. Oh well...cheers, mate. Jan 2, 2004 sloane1: Nope, haven't seen that version. Transvestites rock. But I don't think I'll be having "man troubles" with that variety anytime soon - not my type. Well, except for David Johanson Jan 2, 2004
But "mreh?"...I just don't get it.
Oh well...cheers, mate.
Transvestites rock. But I don't think I'll be having "man troubles" with that variety anytime soon - not my type. Well, except for David Johanson