i think all this stuff is timed perfectly. for a reason. people our age are supposed to be getting married and having kids, and what are we supposed to give those kids to play with? how about the same stuff we loved when we were growing up... it's sinister.
i saw the care bears in some store. i think they came out (the first time) before the rainbow meant homosexuality, and now they're putting them out again and that pink bear has a whole new meaning. which is cool.
i know what you mean about seeing all this stuff and being reminded of how lame i was as a child. i'm amazed at the number of these things i can point at and say "i had that." i was so spoiled. i can't believe i thought this stuff was cool. can i blame GI Joe for inhibiting the growth of social skills?
hahahah I still have some transformer toys but they are in rough shape and not to be played with... they are more display pieces now. like my homer simpson pez dispenser aarrrrrr.
i saw the care bears in some store. i think they came out (the first time) before the rainbow meant homosexuality, and now they're putting them out again and that pink bear has a whole new meaning. which is cool.
i know what you mean about seeing all this stuff and being reminded of how lame i was as a child. i'm amazed at the number of these things i can point at and say "i had that." i was so spoiled. i can't believe i thought this stuff was cool. can i blame GI Joe for inhibiting the growth of social skills?
and Transformers. fuck i had so many of those.