I have a good attitude toward menstruation. That's right, I'm the guy! The guy with a good attitude toward menstruation.

Yet, as much as I like to plagiarize the Kids In The Hall, I still can't eat a girl out when she's having her period.
You are one of a few, then wink
Trying to watch a Quentin Tarantino movie on Bravo is one of the most difficult things I've tried to do in years. "I'm jackin' wit you, you doggone Maryland farmer!" Ugh, I hate dubbing. Why can't they just beep curse words? Why, oh, why?
it's unbearable and painful - I don't understand it! do they really think that badly dubbing embarrassingly inappropriate words are better for the flow than a silence or a small bleep? christ!
Dripping snatch.
Dripping. Snatch.
I'm so bored.
Whenever I've heard someone say "Gay marriage is just unnatural", my normal response is "who gives a fuck?".

But, now I get it.

Now I understand why it's just so unnatural, filthy and revolting.

Approximately 90% of the male population of the U.S. are named either Steve, John, Keith, Robert/Bob or a handful of other common names. Who could favor having two Johns marry? Who...
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I just watched one of the second season episodes of Dead Like Me and, while, it's true that I can drink too much, too often and it does affect my memory... I don't remember any of the first season episodes sucking the chrome off a trailer hitch like "Send In The Clowns".

What the hell happened? Did Brian Singer leave? It's so fucking, intensely, mindnumbingly,...
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My cat is dying. I came home today and he was lying at the front door. He can't stand up, meow or move his head much beyond a flop. So, I've laid him in my bed on a towel to catch the swoosh of shit and vomit when he dies. He keeps trying to flop his head up when I stand. And here I am...
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That's awful, man...hopefully he will go without much pain.