Want to waste a grey cell? You can leave a comment for your own journal entry. Weird huh?
A weird thing happened yesterday. I take my nephew to work, and stop to gas up. While I'm at the pump a homeless guy walks up & asks for a couple of bucks. So I ask him what he wants it for?
He says he'd like to buy some smokes. So I hand him a $5 and he thanks me and asks the guy gassing up next to me if he could spare a buck so he could get a sandwhich to eat with his smokes.
So this guy, in a Lincoln SUV btw. Silk shirt & tie. His friggin shirt & tie cost more then the new set of tires on my truck did.
He tells this guy to get a fuckin job, that he worked hard for a living as a ? (whatever he said, I forgot). And that it was lazy fuckers like him destroying America.
The homeless guy says sorry mister and goes inside to buy his smokes or whatever. I ask the guy, hey dude that was a tad harsh wasn't it? He says, fuck lazy people. Its all because of them his deductions disappear every year, because of helpin the down trodden (no shit, he said it) making my taxes go up every year. My investments & my Roth won't be worth shit until I'm in my late 40's.
Its at this point I glance at his bumper.
He has a "Kerry for President" bumper sticker.
I say, your a democrat? I figured you for a republican.
He says, fuckin republicans are only interested in big business or people with money.
I had to smile, Kerry's wife the billionare. Who's multi billion dollar company had 13 of its 17 manufacturing plants outside the US to save money. Losing american jobs etc.
You got the rich or the poor. Politics is just so much lip service anymore.
But the good news. BellSouth fixed my phone lines. Yippie for me!
So now I can log onto SG's in less then a minute again. Woo Hoo
It takes very little to amuse me. I'm a cheap date.
A weird thing happened yesterday. I take my nephew to work, and stop to gas up. While I'm at the pump a homeless guy walks up & asks for a couple of bucks. So I ask him what he wants it for?
He says he'd like to buy some smokes. So I hand him a $5 and he thanks me and asks the guy gassing up next to me if he could spare a buck so he could get a sandwhich to eat with his smokes.
So this guy, in a Lincoln SUV btw. Silk shirt & tie. His friggin shirt & tie cost more then the new set of tires on my truck did.
He tells this guy to get a fuckin job, that he worked hard for a living as a ? (whatever he said, I forgot). And that it was lazy fuckers like him destroying America.
The homeless guy says sorry mister and goes inside to buy his smokes or whatever. I ask the guy, hey dude that was a tad harsh wasn't it? He says, fuck lazy people. Its all because of them his deductions disappear every year, because of helpin the down trodden (no shit, he said it) making my taxes go up every year. My investments & my Roth won't be worth shit until I'm in my late 40's.
Its at this point I glance at his bumper.
He has a "Kerry for President" bumper sticker.
I say, your a democrat? I figured you for a republican.
He says, fuckin republicans are only interested in big business or people with money.
I had to smile, Kerry's wife the billionare. Who's multi billion dollar company had 13 of its 17 manufacturing plants outside the US to save money. Losing american jobs etc.
You got the rich or the poor. Politics is just so much lip service anymore.
But the good news. BellSouth fixed my phone lines. Yippie for me!

So now I can log onto SG's in less then a minute again. Woo Hoo

It takes very little to amuse me. I'm a cheap date.

lol yeah you can add me to the what gets me hot section.