Thora Is still in need of help raising funds for Isis. She has until thursday Jan/6/05 to raise around 2.5K to have the surgery to save her cat.
No I'm not a cat person.
But I don't want to see one suffer due to lack of cash either. Please help if you can.
I'm still around 101 temp. Man this is really kicking my butt.
I haven't done much today. Layed in bed feeling rotten. Checked email twice. Checked on my SG's twice. No desire to party or see people today. I don't think anyone I know would want this crap.
I have been thinking about cats a lot in the last day or two. Licky, who had thumbs. Which explained how she could get outside with the doors closed.
And Fuji, a tabby. Who in the dead of night could meow, squeek really, and not be heard over 10 feet away.
He was my fav cat ever. Paws down. Never clawed a screen. Never killed any of my house plants. He'd just sit and wait until you noticed him and you let him out or in as needed.
He was my buddy!
We spent a lot of time sleeping on the couch when I was in the dog house with my X. Which was most of the time after the honey moon. And yes, some times I really deserved it. Other times were a bit 'iffy'. And some I have no idea what I was supposed to have done wrong. She wouldn't speak to me when she was upset with me. So I never knew "why" I was getting the silent treatment a lot of the time.
I still would like to know why, after only 3 months of marriage, she burned every pair of my bluejeans? What did she think I was I supposed to wear to cut the grass? I never figured this one out. And jeans weren't that cheap in Australia.
Any help ladies?
Once again. Have a Safe & Happy New Year!
No I'm not a cat person.

I'm still around 101 temp. Man this is really kicking my butt.

I haven't done much today. Layed in bed feeling rotten. Checked email twice. Checked on my SG's twice. No desire to party or see people today. I don't think anyone I know would want this crap.
I have been thinking about cats a lot in the last day or two. Licky, who had thumbs. Which explained how she could get outside with the doors closed.
And Fuji, a tabby. Who in the dead of night could meow, squeek really, and not be heard over 10 feet away.

We spent a lot of time sleeping on the couch when I was in the dog house with my X. Which was most of the time after the honey moon. And yes, some times I really deserved it. Other times were a bit 'iffy'. And some I have no idea what I was supposed to have done wrong. She wouldn't speak to me when she was upset with me. So I never knew "why" I was getting the silent treatment a lot of the time.
I still would like to know why, after only 3 months of marriage, she burned every pair of my bluejeans? What did she think I was I supposed to wear to cut the grass? I never figured this one out. And jeans weren't that cheap in Australia.
Any help ladies?
Once again. Have a Safe & Happy New Year!

Did you have a nice night? here is hot as hell!