Merry Christmas
Its been a good day so far.
I've heard from Angie which was really sweet. And I've had a couple of comments in my journal.
Thora I don't think she realised that the 40 year old in a kitten suit was a referance to something I'd done once for a woman friend.
It was funny though. Her thoughts about it & the event were both good.
Time to go shower & be clean. I'll let you know if anything happens today. I'll be happy if its just a mellow day.

Its been a good day so far.

Thora I don't think she realised that the 40 year old in a kitten suit was a referance to something I'd done once for a woman friend.
It was funny though. Her thoughts about it & the event were both good.

Time to go shower & be clean. I'll let you know if anything happens today. I'll be happy if its just a mellow day.

but I guess it will be probably much longer from now since I killed a car and will have to buy a new one and will have 2 car loans. I don't have money so no piercings for now.