Friday was a day of ups & downs.
It started off getting into & out of the Docs, like an hour earlier then my appointment. Yeah. I was fuggin amazed too.
Then a boring ride to the far side of Jacksonville to pic up Angelique.
Hot! Hot! Hot! I always freeze up around Hotties! And would have then too. But she kept talking to me until I was comfortable around her. Thank You
I gave her some flowers and in a decorator bag some 5 dozen mixed Hershey's Kisses & Hugs. Then we set out to see a couple of her friends. Which was cool.
Amy was hot, Gen was hotter. Angelique left them for dead, IMNSHO. The little gay guy was my fav. He was really glad to see Angelique, and bummed out that she'd got her GED and was dropping out of HS. A really nice kid.
Next we proceeded to lunch at a place called O'Charlies (sp). Is this a chain? Not bad food though. Then to the piercers, Big City Tattoo Arlington Expressway in Jax Fl. Yo! Mickey! Nice work.
Knowing what I wanted became the problem. The suggestion was made that this will be a lot to keep clean. So I went for 5 in the left ear, 16's. I know, I'm a wussie!
But the others will come later.
While we were waiting we checked out the books of piercings. And going, nice one. Or in a couple of cases, Ouch! No Jacobs Ladder for me.
We heard the prices and the package deal. It was less then the phone quote. Less then the listed prices by a large amount. And way cheaper then any other places I'd called a the list prices. So way ahead on cash.
(Angelique had mentioned her previous hood piercing fiasco. Done by & torn during sex, before it had healed. By her idiot (IMO) X-boyfriend. Who had kept pulling on it. So Infected & Rejected. Months before this. I was being a smartass back when she wrote me about it and suggested Christmas was coming up & Santa would be in town. I told her he would be glad to cough up the bucks if he could watch)
So, present day, I said to Angelique, "Do you want anything done?" She said that I knew what. I said tell Mickey and lets do it. He quoted a price & I said cool.
Well I got done. Pain when he hit scar tissue from a pierce back in the 80's I'd let close years ago. And the 1st of the two going into the cartilidge. Neither was that bad. Kinda wish I'd set up the two eyebrows too. Oh well.
So it was Angeliques turn and I was going to leave but asked if I could watch. Yes I'm That Fucking Shallow!
She said I was paying for it & she knew the conditions to get it. Where upon hearing this I felt so fucking guilty I said I'd go out. Well I offered to leave 3 times & she said no stay each time. I kept saying if at any point she felt uncomfortable I'd leave but she said stay.
Before I'd seen her. I thought she was beautiful over the internet an awesome pesonality. Then seeing her in person, I was certain she was beautiful. Ok guys, I prefer small tits. She has a large killer rack. Which I think is really beautiful cause they're attached to her. I also like her ass. I kept walking a bit behind her every where we went. Mostly cause of the legs hurting, the bonus was I got to watch that sweet ass. After spending the best part of the day in her company I could fall for this girl worse then I ever have for anyone before. If she hadn't had a killer personality I would have admired the body but would have kept moving. And we all know she'd have never looked at me if she hadn't got to know me before meeting.
Lets just say she is totaly beautiful. Very Beautiful. I keep thinking Nena would love this girl. I think I'll introduce them. BTW she tells me she's 60 lbs overweight.
Lust must be blind too. Because I didn't see anything I didn't want a lot. Ok maybe not the smoking.
Then I get her home. Her dad kicks her out because she wasn't home when a friend of hers got into their house. It got argued down to 'leave until tomorrow' when Dad will have cooled down.
Like I said. Highs. And lows.
A perfect day for me trashed at the end. Angelique was really stoked cause she so wanted her hood redone. Trashed by Amy, her drama queen girl friends actions.
BTW I overhear her telling her friends that no man. Ok boys before me including a 24 year old. She had never been given flowers. Never received chocolates. Never taken to a restaurant for lunch or dinner.
Young guys. You suck.

It started off getting into & out of the Docs, like an hour earlier then my appointment. Yeah. I was fuggin amazed too.

Hot! Hot! Hot! I always freeze up around Hotties! And would have then too. But she kept talking to me until I was comfortable around her. Thank You

Amy was hot, Gen was hotter. Angelique left them for dead, IMNSHO. The little gay guy was my fav. He was really glad to see Angelique, and bummed out that she'd got her GED and was dropping out of HS. A really nice kid.
Next we proceeded to lunch at a place called O'Charlies (sp). Is this a chain? Not bad food though. Then to the piercers, Big City Tattoo Arlington Expressway in Jax Fl. Yo! Mickey! Nice work.
Knowing what I wanted became the problem. The suggestion was made that this will be a lot to keep clean. So I went for 5 in the left ear, 16's. I know, I'm a wussie!

While we were waiting we checked out the books of piercings. And going, nice one. Or in a couple of cases, Ouch! No Jacobs Ladder for me.

(Angelique had mentioned her previous hood piercing fiasco. Done by & torn during sex, before it had healed. By her idiot (IMO) X-boyfriend. Who had kept pulling on it. So Infected & Rejected. Months before this. I was being a smartass back when she wrote me about it and suggested Christmas was coming up & Santa would be in town. I told her he would be glad to cough up the bucks if he could watch)
So, present day, I said to Angelique, "Do you want anything done?" She said that I knew what. I said tell Mickey and lets do it. He quoted a price & I said cool.

So it was Angeliques turn and I was going to leave but asked if I could watch. Yes I'm That Fucking Shallow!

Before I'd seen her. I thought she was beautiful over the internet an awesome pesonality. Then seeing her in person, I was certain she was beautiful. Ok guys, I prefer small tits. She has a large killer rack. Which I think is really beautiful cause they're attached to her. I also like her ass. I kept walking a bit behind her every where we went. Mostly cause of the legs hurting, the bonus was I got to watch that sweet ass. After spending the best part of the day in her company I could fall for this girl worse then I ever have for anyone before. If she hadn't had a killer personality I would have admired the body but would have kept moving. And we all know she'd have never looked at me if she hadn't got to know me before meeting.
Lets just say she is totaly beautiful. Very Beautiful. I keep thinking Nena would love this girl. I think I'll introduce them. BTW she tells me she's 60 lbs overweight.
Lust must be blind too. Because I didn't see anything I didn't want a lot. Ok maybe not the smoking.

Then I get her home. Her dad kicks her out because she wasn't home when a friend of hers got into their house. It got argued down to 'leave until tomorrow' when Dad will have cooled down.
Like I said. Highs. And lows.
A perfect day for me trashed at the end. Angelique was really stoked cause she so wanted her hood redone. Trashed by Amy, her drama queen girl friends actions.
BTW I overhear her telling her friends that no man. Ok boys before me including a 24 year old. She had never been given flowers. Never received chocolates. Never taken to a restaurant for lunch or dinner.
Young guys. You suck.