Wow. Another day gone already.
I've heard from all three of my Gal-Pals today. Nena, Angie and my Tawny.
And Shay posted a comment in my journal too. Thanks and Hi you Uber Hottie you. :-)
Nena is off on vacation for 4 weeks, visiting family around the country. I'll miss hearing from her. She is so funny to write to. A really remarkable woman. Add to that she's a Hottie. She is so cool.
Angie may come and hold my hand in support friday at the piercer's. Actually to keep me from chickening out about the piercings, and running away. I just hope its no worse then getting this tiger tattoo, 3 hours in the chair.
I doubt I'll rabbit with a hottie sitting there. If she gets distracted, then maybe?
Anyway Angie's love life continues.
^curses under breath cause he ain't gettin any and she is chasing two hotties^
I hope they don't mess with her head much more. She is way to special a woman to get treated like they treat her. Its just not right to be that way. She's never hurt them, or been unkind to either of them.
Tawny. She had a good tour date in NC. Still waiting to hear all the details. Yep. I live through others. I do believe things are heating up for us. But she's in SC and I'm here in Fl. Rats!
I still don't think that the three of them believe how shy I am around women in general. Hotties are even more nerve wracking for me. Thank God for the internet. Or life really would suck for me.
So I don't club or anything. I'd like to go to a strip club that has inked and pierced women. But I'm way to nervous to do more then think about that one.
Hard to believe at 46, women still terrify me. In the past if the woman I knew hadn't introduced me to the next woman in my life I'd have never had sex with more then one woman.
Funny thing is, my first, my X wife. She asked me out. Or I doubt I'd have gotten up the nerve to ask her out. Then it was a friend of hers that asked me out after the divorce. She passed me onto a friend etc.
I miss Australia. Down there when I treated a girl nice. Her friends knew about it. So it was way easier to date. Once a split was total & done with, girls that knew I was nice, would ask me out.
And a couple asked their friends to be good to me in front of me. It was way uncomfortable. But I still can't argue with the results. Thank You Susie, Donna and Angie from Oz.
The strangest breakup was Susie. She was such a good woman. But "she wasn't interested in more then being with a nice guy, that she could trust not to sleep around, that gave good head & was caring during and after sex". Her words at the break-up party. Well she threw a party and that's when I found out we were breaking up.
She handed me a present. A gift-wrapped box of condoms and her best friends phone number. She was at the party too, Susie gave her a box of condoms, a tube of KY jelly and told her we'd just broken up.
Susie even helped me move into Donna's place. Thanks Again Susie, you still rock! Like I said. It was weird.
Well is the middle of the night/morning and I'm still up. Time for a nap.
Thanks for contacting me XSINONSKINX !
You are so cool.
Wow. Another day gone already.
I've heard from all three of my Gal-Pals today. Nena, Angie and my Tawny.
And Shay posted a comment in my journal too. Thanks and Hi you Uber Hottie you. :-)
Nena is off on vacation for 4 weeks, visiting family around the country. I'll miss hearing from her. She is so funny to write to. A really remarkable woman. Add to that she's a Hottie. She is so cool.
Angie may come and hold my hand in support friday at the piercer's. Actually to keep me from chickening out about the piercings, and running away. I just hope its no worse then getting this tiger tattoo, 3 hours in the chair.
I doubt I'll rabbit with a hottie sitting there. If she gets distracted, then maybe?
Anyway Angie's love life continues.
^curses under breath cause he ain't gettin any and she is chasing two hotties^
I hope they don't mess with her head much more. She is way to special a woman to get treated like they treat her. Its just not right to be that way. She's never hurt them, or been unkind to either of them.
Tawny. She had a good tour date in NC. Still waiting to hear all the details. Yep. I live through others. I do believe things are heating up for us. But she's in SC and I'm here in Fl. Rats!
I still don't think that the three of them believe how shy I am around women in general. Hotties are even more nerve wracking for me. Thank God for the internet. Or life really would suck for me.
So I don't club or anything. I'd like to go to a strip club that has inked and pierced women. But I'm way to nervous to do more then think about that one.
Hard to believe at 46, women still terrify me. In the past if the woman I knew hadn't introduced me to the next woman in my life I'd have never had sex with more then one woman.
Funny thing is, my first, my X wife. She asked me out. Or I doubt I'd have gotten up the nerve to ask her out. Then it was a friend of hers that asked me out after the divorce. She passed me onto a friend etc.
I miss Australia. Down there when I treated a girl nice. Her friends knew about it. So it was way easier to date. Once a split was total & done with, girls that knew I was nice, would ask me out.
And a couple asked their friends to be good to me in front of me. It was way uncomfortable. But I still can't argue with the results. Thank You Susie, Donna and Angie from Oz.
The strangest breakup was Susie. She was such a good woman. But "she wasn't interested in more then being with a nice guy, that she could trust not to sleep around, that gave good head & was caring during and after sex". Her words at the break-up party. Well she threw a party and that's when I found out we were breaking up.
She handed me a present. A gift-wrapped box of condoms and her best friends phone number. She was at the party too, Susie gave her a box of condoms, a tube of KY jelly and told her we'd just broken up.
Susie even helped me move into Donna's place. Thanks Again Susie, you still rock! Like I said. It was weird.
Well is the middle of the night/morning and I'm still up. Time for a nap.
Thanks for contacting me XSINONSKINX !
You are so cool.