...just got out the shower...
keystone ice and cornbread for breakfast...
I'm headed out to check my PO box later... if anyone wants any prints or anything like that let me know... ill mail you the good stuff
well i've been working hard... draw draw, sketch sketch... meet. review rinse repeat...
OH YEA! ... and I finally got my passport back in the mail!
other than that my life is all hentai, pizza, Tenga, and my economy size cargo van
I've been keeping up with the fan art blog it's worth checking out everyonce in a while FAN ART BLOG:: PINUP SG HOTTIES XO
also im on :: TUMBLR :: ( it'll make ya smile ; )
and facebook:: "Stauffie"
any special request for pinups let me know
let me know when you make it happen. I'd be so happy.