i think its the emotional attachments to things that dont contact me
or even exsist...
it seems i create feelings for things non-exsistent, or no where near to personal to me.
I do it to people i know nothing about
and things ill never see.
but the things close to me.. i cant seem to do it for.
I can see an elderly man on...
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or even exsist...
it seems i create feelings for things non-exsistent, or no where near to personal to me.
I do it to people i know nothing about
and things ill never see.
but the things close to me.. i cant seem to do it for.
I can see an elderly man on...
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I think its high time i start using this more often.
I Start school again on tuesday
three classes two days a week
pysch is only on thursdays for 3 hours.
but thatsok because Im really interested in it.
Books costed me 130 bucks. used..
im in the middle of rearranging my house with my mom
my beds like in a closet...
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I Start school again on tuesday
three classes two days a week
pysch is only on thursdays for 3 hours.
but thatsok because Im really interested in it.
Books costed me 130 bucks. used..
im in the middle of rearranging my house with my mom
my beds like in a closet...
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Why thank you, good sir! Right back at ya (no, for serious).
It's always nice to come online and people actually have nice things to say for once.
It's always nice to come online and people actually have nice things to say for once.
some of my photos I really like
Its 12:59 and It just turned to 1:00
so im listening to the Fall of Troy
which is one of the only things I have to keep my mind from drifing to hell.
I recently finised Killing Yourself To Live by Chuck Klosterman, an amazing writer.
My next endeavor is going to be
The Smiths: Songs that saved your life.
which goes into detail about...
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so im listening to the Fall of Troy
which is one of the only things I have to keep my mind from drifing to hell.
I recently finised Killing Yourself To Live by Chuck Klosterman, an amazing writer.
My next endeavor is going to be
The Smiths: Songs that saved your life.
which goes into detail about...
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Ok, nevermind... Now I understand. I was all like "wow, I'm really confused because you look familiar" (and trying to be somewhat subtle about figuring out why, which is never a good plan for me), then I saw the SG Directory thing and realized that it's probably because I went to a couple Inforever shows; I used to hang out with Evan every so often over the summer, etc.
just wonted to say hey how are you. and welcome to SG hot place
bye Ry
bye Ry
I'm not afraid of getting old because I'll be less physically capable; I'm afraid of losing my mind. It's sort of the best thing we (as a species) have going for us. And enough people just waste it (their capacity for intelligent thought and creative potential) doing nothing with their lives and just surviving.
Supposedly we don't ever forget anything though. It's all there, and it just takes some cue or another to remember it. Sort of like those dreams you have where you wake up and remember it, but immediately forget, then later in the day something triggers it and you remember bits and pieces (maybe not exactly as they happened, but memory distorts everything).
Ok, I guess I'm done now. Sorry about the somewhat overly lengthy reply, but I don't spend a lot of time on SG reading genuinely thought provoking things so I figured it deserved a moment's contemplation.
What about the painful ones, the embarassing ones, the destructive ones, is remembering those ones a good thing, does it teach us something, prevent us from doing it all again, serve as an opposite to know how good the good ones really are?