Well Some things I am going to

and then the mighty clash of the titans re-run couple

old fuckers still kicking ass
and then this spectacle the day after

I'm sure theres more but hell thats the ones I'm excited about

and then the mighty clash of the titans re-run couple

old fuckers still kicking ass
and then this spectacle the day after

I'm sure theres more but hell thats the ones I'm excited about
i guess when i put things into perspective my life is kinda easy, but my mind doesnt work that way, so most things feel complicated. i think i partied too hard and fried part of my head
arent you pleased i named my favourite monster after you?
deathstars sounds intruiging. anyone who uses the term "glam" has my vote.
im going to manson too. it shall be fun. hope to see you