OK well this may be boring but read it.
I got home from the shops at 9pm to find the police in my driveway.
I get out of my car and they mirror my action and do the same.
Are you Martin Shapcott (yes thats my name)
we just want to question you about a stabbing a few weeks ago.
At this stage am all what the fuck?
so it turns out that the description of the stabby little fucker was early 20's tattoos and a mohawk.
So some wanker calls the cops and tells them its me, thanks for thinking I'm early 20's.
so it wasn't me, the police chat for a while and we are all friendly at the end.
what pisses me off is that it made me question my image , but fuck that I will stay me.
other than that life is ok, could be better could be worse.
I got home from the shops at 9pm to find the police in my driveway.
I get out of my car and they mirror my action and do the same.
Are you Martin Shapcott (yes thats my name)
we just want to question you about a stabbing a few weeks ago.
At this stage am all what the fuck?
so it turns out that the description of the stabby little fucker was early 20's tattoos and a mohawk.
So some wanker calls the cops and tells them its me, thanks for thinking I'm early 20's.
so it wasn't me, the police chat for a while and we are all friendly at the end.
what pisses me off is that it made me question my image , but fuck that I will stay me.
other than that life is ok, could be better could be worse.
Also, what? You aren't twenty-something? Well, you look very early-twenties to me. But yeah, my age radar is way, way, way off. I saw a fifty year old woman and thought she was thirty-eight.
I blame preservatives!
Still, I'm glad that you didn't stab anyone. Phew.
Life could be better, could be worse? Sounds familiar.
yep my little boogey is 18 months old!
and i'm pudgy.
YAY for kiddos.
yes i'm STILL a republican...although i'm more edgy than my fellows repubs.