what a week end I went out to see Mach Pelican at the Rev, didn't get to see them but saw the support band a japanese 3 piece that kicked major ass. they were very entertaining and I loved every second of it.
Then my friend broke up with her boyfriend so I went outside and let her cry on me while the band was playing. Eventually she stopped and I convinced her to come to the Depot with me and try to finish the night on a high. The music at the depot was awesome , the cure, stooges, GN'R , and lots of other old school favorites. 2 O'clock rolled around and we thought we'd go home because I had to babysit Jett all day on sunday,
If you are leaving A club that early you have to make an exit that is memorable so I decided to miss the last step and twist my ankle putting all my weight on it and snappint the bone in my anke, (I'm so stylish).
So here I am on tuesday morning finally able to get to my computer with my leg in a cast upto my knee popping pain killers wondering how on earth I am going to manage the whole day at the overcranked festival this weekend.
I have to go I need to see Clutch play its a life or death thing.
Maybe I'll just get drunk and hire a wheel chair that will be fun,
Is anyone else going to Overcranked?
Gotta go love you all
what a week end I went out to see Mach Pelican at the Rev, didn't get to see them but saw the support band a japanese 3 piece that kicked major ass. they were very entertaining and I loved every second of it.
Then my friend broke up with her boyfriend so I went outside and let her cry on me while the band was playing. Eventually she stopped and I convinced her to come to the Depot with me and try to finish the night on a high. The music at the depot was awesome , the cure, stooges, GN'R , and lots of other old school favorites. 2 O'clock rolled around and we thought we'd go home because I had to babysit Jett all day on sunday,
If you are leaving A club that early you have to make an exit that is memorable so I decided to miss the last step and twist my ankle putting all my weight on it and snappint the bone in my anke, (I'm so stylish).
So here I am on tuesday morning finally able to get to my computer with my leg in a cast upto my knee popping pain killers wondering how on earth I am going to manage the whole day at the overcranked festival this weekend.
I have to go I need to see Clutch play its a life or death thing.
Maybe I'll just get drunk and hire a wheel chair that will be fun,
Is anyone else going to Overcranked?
Gotta go love you all

thanks for the vote of confidence poo head! lucky i lub you

how you going hoppy..? hope ur weekend didn't suck too bad.