Sitting here at my desk on my day off, switching between browsing the site, getting my Minecraft on, playing with the pups, and wondering if I should attempt a new photo set. I've only done the two, and they were many years ago. To be honest, the thought makes me a little nervous. I was twenty one in the last (and singularly decent) set I shot. At almost thirty one now, I feel more self-conscious and aware that I don't have a perfect body. (I know, who does, right?) Sure, you can call it the result of finally being healthy and in a happy, healthy relationship, but at times I miss being a tiny little thing. The joys of aging, I suppose. You start to notice all the little imperfections more because you've spent more time with them, and, let's be honest, people can be mean. The older you get the more you become embarrassed by things like a little bit of cellulite or a few little surface lines (aka baby wrinkles) around your eyes. You forget that at thirty, you're actually doing quite well for yourself. I have to remind myself that if I've made it to thirty, had a surgery that contributed to a big hormone shift as well as the slowing of my metabolism, and still somehow managed to keep myself as a size two and managing to consistently win the daily battles against BDD as well as a sometimes crippling eating disorder. I have to remember I should be very proud of where I am.
Then, of course, when it comes to shooting another set, there's always the struggle of theme, inspirations, location, etc.