Thanksging Turky High
I honestly Love this man... he is the last comedian that has made me ;augh since George Carlin...
If u dont like i get it fine.. dont watch the Falowing..
his family is about as disfunctional family as mine or the other way arround....
My loving Mother has given me a cold... thanks a fuckin lot mom..
was barely home 24 hrs and she gets me sick.. look she dosnt have to share with me really....
listening to this song.....
dont like it dont watch :p
uhh I need to get outa the dam house more starting to gvet lonly.. v has invited me to his place.
He's supposed to be here next weekend.. am not counting on it..
The thing that made me cry is we have been talking for 1 year on the 26 th..
His family has even invited me up for thanksgiving....
He sends me messages on msn sayin :without a doubt this has been the best year of my life since we first met.
and :ur the best thing that has ever happened 2 me.
Now keep in mind we arent together...
Its so sweet and makes me just fucking die when he says shit like that..
I asked him what he wanted for christmas this is the responce I got.
np sweetie, ive already got the best gift anyone could ever have in u
makes me think of this song.
Heart cant take much more of this shit...
anyways I should be back befor thanksgivingv... talk to you both soon.. huggs n kisses
bye bye for now..
I honestly Love this man... he is the last comedian that has made me ;augh since George Carlin...
If u dont like i get it fine.. dont watch the Falowing..
his family is about as disfunctional family as mine or the other way arround....
My loving Mother has given me a cold... thanks a fuckin lot mom..
was barely home 24 hrs and she gets me sick.. look she dosnt have to share with me really....
listening to this song.....
dont like it dont watch :p
uhh I need to get outa the dam house more starting to gvet lonly.. v has invited me to his place.
He's supposed to be here next weekend.. am not counting on it..
The thing that made me cry is we have been talking for 1 year on the 26 th..
His family has even invited me up for thanksgiving....
He sends me messages on msn sayin :without a doubt this has been the best year of my life since we first met.
and :ur the best thing that has ever happened 2 me.
Now keep in mind we arent together...
Its so sweet and makes me just fucking die when he says shit like that..
I asked him what he wanted for christmas this is the responce I got.
np sweetie, ive already got the best gift anyone could ever have in u
makes me think of this song.
Heart cant take much more of this shit...
anyways I should be back befor thanksgivingv... talk to you both soon.. huggs n kisses
bye bye for now..