ok I dont have much going on today... lol... just cleaning and enjoying any distraction that I can find...
Doh... well I just got tagged... and I so totaly thought that it wouldnt happen to me.. lol ... ty Kindle...... four months was a record....
ohh well on with this then...
1. What Time Do You Get Up? that depends on when I go to bed...
2. Gold Or Diamonds? Silver, and Rainbow flourite
3. What Was The Last Film You Saw At The Cinema? this is so sad to say .. not because the movie was bad becasue it was so long ago.. Blade Trinity
4. Favorite Tv Shows? ER, Lost,angel, charmed, Law& order CI, Csi,adult swim,Nip Tuck... to many to list here
5. What Do You Have For Breakfast? Cherrios most days, that or toast
6. Who Would You Hate To Be Stuck In A Room With?My Mother..
7. Can You Touch Your Nose With Your Tongue? yes I can allthough not the tip anymore dam tongue ring gets in the way..
8. What Inspires You? Kindness. Water. a good storm. when its raining out I am eather sleeping or up doing some kind of arts and crafts thing.
9. What's Your Middle Name? ohh if I told you then...... err ok never mind.. its Elizabeth
10. Beach, City, Or Country? taking city and beach...
11. Favorite Ice Cream? cherry garcia, heath toffee crunch, cookies and cream. vanilla
12. Butter, Plain Or Salted Popcorn? buttered and salted
13. What's Your Favorite Color? Purple
14. Favorite Car? Ford Mustang
15. Favorite Sandwich Filling? butter
16. What Characteristic Do You Despise? I cant think of one at this time.. allthough I am shure there are a few.
17. Favorite Flower? Pinks, lavender, carnations.
18. If You Had A Big Win In The Lottery, How Long Would You Wait To Tell People? would have to verify that I actualy won something then I would tell people
19. Fizzy Or Still Water As A Drink? still
20. What Color Is Your Bathroom? Light blue. with purple towels
21. How Many Keys On Your Key Ring? three one to a master lock, one to my handcuffs, and one to my house
22. Where Would You Retire To? stayin here in seasttle untill I am old and chocety.. then I wont care where the fuck I am ..
23. Can You Juggle? well that depends on weather or not its metiphoricly or not.
24. Favorite Day Of The Week? thursday
25. Red Or White Wine? red
26. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday? I spoent it in a crowded house with my sister and her kids and my mom being miserable.
27. Do You Carry A Donor Card? Nope when I am done with my organs they wont be of any use to anyone else...
28. Say Something Nice About The Person That Sent This? well hun.. most would say that its a very funny way to get a friendship started out.. I really do enjoy chatting with you on the boards you seem like you would be lots of fun to hang out with ifn we were closer.
Tag 4 people
1. DayDreamer
2. Danov
3. Evilandyroth
4. LiveAlive
Sorry everyone... thats just the way it goes... hope that you arent all planning my demise right now....
for the rest of you hope your having a good one.... I am off to go clean somemore... huggs n kisses. bye bye for now
Doh... well I just got tagged... and I so totaly thought that it wouldnt happen to me.. lol ... ty Kindle...... four months was a record....
ohh well on with this then...
1. What Time Do You Get Up? that depends on when I go to bed...
2. Gold Or Diamonds? Silver, and Rainbow flourite
3. What Was The Last Film You Saw At The Cinema? this is so sad to say .. not because the movie was bad becasue it was so long ago.. Blade Trinity
4. Favorite Tv Shows? ER, Lost,angel, charmed, Law& order CI, Csi,adult swim,Nip Tuck... to many to list here
5. What Do You Have For Breakfast? Cherrios most days, that or toast
6. Who Would You Hate To Be Stuck In A Room With?My Mother..
7. Can You Touch Your Nose With Your Tongue? yes I can allthough not the tip anymore dam tongue ring gets in the way..
8. What Inspires You? Kindness. Water. a good storm. when its raining out I am eather sleeping or up doing some kind of arts and crafts thing.
9. What's Your Middle Name? ohh if I told you then...... err ok never mind.. its Elizabeth
10. Beach, City, Or Country? taking city and beach...
11. Favorite Ice Cream? cherry garcia, heath toffee crunch, cookies and cream. vanilla
12. Butter, Plain Or Salted Popcorn? buttered and salted
13. What's Your Favorite Color? Purple
14. Favorite Car? Ford Mustang
15. Favorite Sandwich Filling? butter
16. What Characteristic Do You Despise? I cant think of one at this time.. allthough I am shure there are a few.
17. Favorite Flower? Pinks, lavender, carnations.
18. If You Had A Big Win In The Lottery, How Long Would You Wait To Tell People? would have to verify that I actualy won something then I would tell people
19. Fizzy Or Still Water As A Drink? still
20. What Color Is Your Bathroom? Light blue. with purple towels
21. How Many Keys On Your Key Ring? three one to a master lock, one to my handcuffs, and one to my house
22. Where Would You Retire To? stayin here in seasttle untill I am old and chocety.. then I wont care where the fuck I am ..
23. Can You Juggle? well that depends on weather or not its metiphoricly or not.
24. Favorite Day Of The Week? thursday
25. Red Or White Wine? red
26. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday? I spoent it in a crowded house with my sister and her kids and my mom being miserable.
27. Do You Carry A Donor Card? Nope when I am done with my organs they wont be of any use to anyone else...
28. Say Something Nice About The Person That Sent This? well hun.. most would say that its a very funny way to get a friendship started out.. I really do enjoy chatting with you on the boards you seem like you would be lots of fun to hang out with ifn we were closer.
Tag 4 people
1. DayDreamer
2. Danov
3. Evilandyroth
4. LiveAlive
Sorry everyone... thats just the way it goes... hope that you arent all planning my demise right now....
for the rest of you hope your having a good one.... I am off to go clean somemore... huggs n kisses. bye bye for now

sending you hugs 

ha ha you got tagged also