Coming down with another damn cold or something. I'm not really looking forward to the next few nights of trying to sleep despite the ever present gag reflex caused by all the damn congestion - the only reason I'm up at 4:39 in the AM when I have to be to work by 10:00 AM. Oh well. It builds character....
And I wonder what the deal with me and cashiers is, lately. I keep noticing cute cashiers, moreso than ever before. Of course, I can't be "just another asshole customer" and ask any of them out, as it was so eloquently put in "Office Space". In any case, I have my computers and music to divert all that energy into. Soon I will have a nice Korg MS2000B analog synthesizer to add to my home studio - many current concerns are irrelevant now.
And I wonder what the deal with me and cashiers is, lately. I keep noticing cute cashiers, moreso than ever before. Of course, I can't be "just another asshole customer" and ask any of them out, as it was so eloquently put in "Office Space". In any case, I have my computers and music to divert all that energy into. Soon I will have a nice Korg MS2000B analog synthesizer to add to my home studio - many current concerns are irrelevant now.
Another cashier? Your just another asshole customer as long as you do it nicely. So basicly NO cheap pickup lines. Say something to her funny while waiting for her to ring you up. If a conversation starts then say hey I'm going where ever (bar) if your board after you get off work stop by. If shes interested she will. I do that all the time and it usaully works. You didn't ask her out on a date just tohang out she can't get mad about that...