1. There is this girl.
2. I clearly hit on her, calling her sexy, great body, all the good stuff.
3. Send me a pic of her in only her bra and shorts.
4. I compliment and tell her we should hang out. She agrees.
5. Time jumps a week(we continue to talk and flirt and still have not hung out).
6. It's Valentine's Day...
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2. I clearly hit on her, calling her sexy, great body, all the good stuff.
3. Send me a pic of her in only her bra and shorts.
4. I compliment and tell her we should hang out. She agrees.
5. Time jumps a week(we continue to talk and flirt and still have not hung out).
6. It's Valentine's Day...
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That moment when you have to comment on your own blog because no one reads it... DAMN lol.
I'm on zero sex -_- Oh how I miss it so... who am I even writing to in these blogs? Dah fuq SG website! Making me think I have friends on here >_>
Zero sex sucks... but is it better than sex but not with the one you want?
This is true, but it's drought status... There's a point where it has to be bad for you not to have sex right? Lol.
One time, a lady friend of mine on here told me to post dick picks... -_- ain't no one got time for my dick! xD
So I've realized I hate being categorized as a nerd/geek now because of the trend of "cool" people trying to bandwagon on the the rising popularity of it. They've never picked up a comic, or collected a trading card game, or known what it's like to be fully invested in something of that nature. It just pisses me off to an extent. That's all I...
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What's a journal? If it's this then I need to keep it updated so I can join the SG Inland Empire group. The things I do to meet new people and not be a lonely nerd. :/
I really need to get the newest Skyrim DLC. And need to be ready to get the new Halo 4 Map Pack. OH! I need a lady in my life too. Haven't had sex in forever -_-
I don't know if i'll get any of the skyrim DLC, unless it goes on special on steam, I'm jew like that... don't worry about the girl thing just relax take it easy you or might end up doing something you'll regret later in life. I know from experience I hadn't had sex in over a year at one point and I was dating someone that was holding out till marriage, after we broke up I went and hooked up with the 1st girl I met... and ya... big mistake... You'll find someone cool that's into gaming try changing tactics like different clubs/venues (if you go clubbing) or watch the pick up artist, I was in the same boat as you dude, huge nerd, absurd sense of humor and awkward in crowds... the pick up artist helped and so did the guys from simple pickup on youtube. Their tips are not a 100% win but it gives you a guide line to work with.
Lol good pep talk ha ha. Thanks bro. And never go Jew on Elder Scrolls DLC. It's probably at the top of the extra content ladder when it comes to bang for your buck.
So I think I connect to easily with girls that are my friends. For some reason I get an idea that it could be more and I don't know what to do... it sucks having such a big ego yet not having much confidence around women. I hate myself for this sometimes. What should I do... life can only throw you so many curveballs and...
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Uploaded some more pics. Other than that nothing new, been really busy with school. and going to small parties. Being a nerd in school left me with some late partying in my lifetime. Enough of that though. Tell me what you guys think about my shirt cause I love it ha ha.
I guess I'm gonna try and post, not many people care though lol. Uhm completely updated my profile so everyone can know everything I like now. Added two new pics of myself, enjoy. Other than that talk to you all later.
Profile pics?
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