(I've just read this back and realised it's stupidly long so I can understand if you can't be arsed to read it!)
I've been pretty busy this week and I've just got back from the hospital so I have nothing else to do apart from type some random crap for some of you to read.
Last week is a bit of a blur, it involved working late, bad insomnia and going to see a few local bands. My awesome, self-designed, trainers came which I was well happy about. They look pimp. What else? oh yeah...
The BEST thing that happened last week was blink-182 confirming they were touring and recording again! I LOVE blink. As immature and irreverent as they are, I still think they are awesome.I saw them 6 times when they were together and met them a couple of times. I used to be obsessed. If they tour when I'm in Thailand then I'm coming home early no matter how much it costs. Fact: I would turn gay for Travis. Look at this new photo of him:
Travis Barker
Friday night we all went round my friends flat on the harbourside and played Guitar Hero all night. Then I went to the casino for some odd reason and ended up losing 30 quid in the space of 5 minutes. Roulette sucks!
Saturday I went to the Roo Bar at about lunchtime with some friends and watched the Scotland game, then some of our Welsh friends met us for the England & Wales game. By this time I was smashed. We may have lost but not by as much as I thought we would so I was happy. We then headed down to the Ram and the usual acoustic band were there playing covers. I love it in there. The night turned sour when some of our friends started arguing. I tried to ignore it but then found out that my best friend had punched and kicked his girlfriend (who is also my friend) earlier on in the week so I had a big row and a near punch-up with him. I hate arguements and I'm usually the peacekeeper but I my friend was way out of line and needed a good shouting at. Not really sure whats going on now about it all. It was a messy end to a good night...
This week I've been suffering from bad insomnia again and as a result I've been late for work nearly everyday so I've had to work late to build up my hours which sucks. Can't wait to leave that place.
I went to the hospital last week, they said everything was okay. But today I got 2 heavy spontanious nosebleeds (a symptom of my blood condition) so I had to straight to A&E. They tested my blood and scanned me for internal bleeding. My platelet count was really low again but the scans were fine. They've now bumped up my steroid dosage again and I'm really down about that. I only came off them yesterday and now I'm back on them for what I reckon will be a long time. They also mentioned about taking out my spleen towards the summer. I don't like the idea of that though, mainly because my doctor was blabbering away at me and I was just thinking "I need some new jeans" until I heard the words "...could lead to death". I should really learn to concentrate more. Awesome. Right near my birthday, Reading Festival and Thailand. Oh well....shit happens, right? Could be worse haha!
I've been so busy/tired I've not taken any photos apart form these two from out my window:

This week I've been listening to a lot of blink, the new New Found Glory album and the awesome Nothington. Check them out on Myspace. Their album is awesome.
Not really my cuppa' tea but the new Kanye West video is amazing. Watch it here.
What am I doing this weekend? Not much. Saving my money and catching up on my sleep. Seeing Reel Big Fish tomorrow though and I really can't be bothered ha! Have a good weekend everyone and congrats if you bothered reading all this nonsense.

I've been pretty busy this week and I've just got back from the hospital so I have nothing else to do apart from type some random crap for some of you to read.
Last week is a bit of a blur, it involved working late, bad insomnia and going to see a few local bands. My awesome, self-designed, trainers came which I was well happy about. They look pimp. What else? oh yeah...
The BEST thing that happened last week was blink-182 confirming they were touring and recording again! I LOVE blink. As immature and irreverent as they are, I still think they are awesome.I saw them 6 times when they were together and met them a couple of times. I used to be obsessed. If they tour when I'm in Thailand then I'm coming home early no matter how much it costs. Fact: I would turn gay for Travis. Look at this new photo of him:

Friday night we all went round my friends flat on the harbourside and played Guitar Hero all night. Then I went to the casino for some odd reason and ended up losing 30 quid in the space of 5 minutes. Roulette sucks!
Saturday I went to the Roo Bar at about lunchtime with some friends and watched the Scotland game, then some of our Welsh friends met us for the England & Wales game. By this time I was smashed. We may have lost but not by as much as I thought we would so I was happy. We then headed down to the Ram and the usual acoustic band were there playing covers. I love it in there. The night turned sour when some of our friends started arguing. I tried to ignore it but then found out that my best friend had punched and kicked his girlfriend (who is also my friend) earlier on in the week so I had a big row and a near punch-up with him. I hate arguements and I'm usually the peacekeeper but I my friend was way out of line and needed a good shouting at. Not really sure whats going on now about it all. It was a messy end to a good night...
This week I've been suffering from bad insomnia again and as a result I've been late for work nearly everyday so I've had to work late to build up my hours which sucks. Can't wait to leave that place.
I went to the hospital last week, they said everything was okay. But today I got 2 heavy spontanious nosebleeds (a symptom of my blood condition) so I had to straight to A&E. They tested my blood and scanned me for internal bleeding. My platelet count was really low again but the scans were fine. They've now bumped up my steroid dosage again and I'm really down about that. I only came off them yesterday and now I'm back on them for what I reckon will be a long time. They also mentioned about taking out my spleen towards the summer. I don't like the idea of that though, mainly because my doctor was blabbering away at me and I was just thinking "I need some new jeans" until I heard the words "...could lead to death". I should really learn to concentrate more. Awesome. Right near my birthday, Reading Festival and Thailand. Oh well....shit happens, right? Could be worse haha!
I've been so busy/tired I've not taken any photos apart form these two from out my window:

This week I've been listening to a lot of blink, the new New Found Glory album and the awesome Nothington. Check them out on Myspace. Their album is awesome.
Not really my cuppa' tea but the new Kanye West video is amazing. Watch it here.
What am I doing this weekend? Not much. Saving my money and catching up on my sleep. Seeing Reel Big Fish tomorrow though and I really can't be bothered ha! Have a good weekend everyone and congrats if you bothered reading all this nonsense.
i've not seen seasick steve live no! he did play leeds but it sold out really quick so i missed him
i need to keep more on top of gigs and things! how's your week going hun? x

Thank you so much hun, apparently I'll be fine in a couple of weeks if I look after myself, shame it's just the shittest timing ever! ha ha. Body Worlds is well worth a visit!