Ahh what a week.
I don't think I've ever been so bored in work. The snow here has been awesome and people having been calling in saying they can't get in because the roads are too bad. Well I don't have that excuse seeing as I only live a 10 minute walk away... So I've been sat in an office with a handful of other people doing sod all because no work has been coming in. I even tried twisting my ankle on the ice on the way to work the other day JUST so I had a reason to call in sick hahaha!
I went to see Revolutionary Road on Wednesday and it was okay. Bit slow and not as good as everyone keeps saying it is. Kate Winslet looks hot though.
Thursday morning I left my house to go to work and about 8 kids from down the road, off school because of the weather, bombarded me with snowballs. We had an epic snowball fight which ended when I accidently hit one of the kids in the head with a stone which manged to find it's way into my snowball. Sorry Jack! I headed back inside to change my suit because it was soaking wet and a bit muddy, only to find I'd left my key in the house. I'm glad I didn't have any meetings that day, I looked a right scruff.
That night I went to see The Gaslight Anthem with Polar Bear Club and Frank Turner. It was an awesome gig, I took some photos on my phone but they looked shit. Frank was on top form too. I've been listening to his stuff loads since Thursday. He said he'd been to a funeral of a friend earlier in the day then played the song below and it was quite moving:
Friday was just another shit day at work but I left at 3 and went home for a kip before heading out to see Alkaline Trio. Really good gig. Then we met up with a few friends for some drinks but got really drunk and ended the night with a curry at 2 in the morning. I can't remember what was so funny but all I remember was all of us laughing constantly and not being able to eat our food. Good times.
Yesterday I monged out and watched the rugby but I did manage to crawl out of bed to take this photo of my garden while the snow was still around...
Not sure how or why, but I fell fast asleep at 10pm which is really dd for me. Nice to have a good sleep for once though.
Played squash this morning and thrashed my mate 7 games to nil. I've done sod all else apart from get continuosly frustrated with Arsenal's lack of goals against Spurs.
I've got another hospital appointment on Wednesday to check my blood again which should be fine (although I've still not been taking the steroids). I'm going to ask what the chances are of me being allowed to start boxing or play rugby again. If the doctor says 'no' outright then I won't. If she pauses and thinks for a second then I'm gonna just ignore whatever she says and do it. Might not do both but if I can either box or play rugby then I'll be happy.
Have a good week everyone!
PS. This cracked me up...

I don't think I've ever been so bored in work. The snow here has been awesome and people having been calling in saying they can't get in because the roads are too bad. Well I don't have that excuse seeing as I only live a 10 minute walk away... So I've been sat in an office with a handful of other people doing sod all because no work has been coming in. I even tried twisting my ankle on the ice on the way to work the other day JUST so I had a reason to call in sick hahaha!
I went to see Revolutionary Road on Wednesday and it was okay. Bit slow and not as good as everyone keeps saying it is. Kate Winslet looks hot though.

Thursday morning I left my house to go to work and about 8 kids from down the road, off school because of the weather, bombarded me with snowballs. We had an epic snowball fight which ended when I accidently hit one of the kids in the head with a stone which manged to find it's way into my snowball. Sorry Jack! I headed back inside to change my suit because it was soaking wet and a bit muddy, only to find I'd left my key in the house. I'm glad I didn't have any meetings that day, I looked a right scruff.
That night I went to see The Gaslight Anthem with Polar Bear Club and Frank Turner. It was an awesome gig, I took some photos on my phone but they looked shit. Frank was on top form too. I've been listening to his stuff loads since Thursday. He said he'd been to a funeral of a friend earlier in the day then played the song below and it was quite moving:
Friday was just another shit day at work but I left at 3 and went home for a kip before heading out to see Alkaline Trio. Really good gig. Then we met up with a few friends for some drinks but got really drunk and ended the night with a curry at 2 in the morning. I can't remember what was so funny but all I remember was all of us laughing constantly and not being able to eat our food. Good times.
Yesterday I monged out and watched the rugby but I did manage to crawl out of bed to take this photo of my garden while the snow was still around...

Not sure how or why, but I fell fast asleep at 10pm which is really dd for me. Nice to have a good sleep for once though.
Played squash this morning and thrashed my mate 7 games to nil. I've done sod all else apart from get continuosly frustrated with Arsenal's lack of goals against Spurs.
I've got another hospital appointment on Wednesday to check my blood again which should be fine (although I've still not been taking the steroids). I'm going to ask what the chances are of me being allowed to start boxing or play rugby again. If the doctor says 'no' outright then I won't. If she pauses and thinks for a second then I'm gonna just ignore whatever she says and do it. Might not do both but if I can either box or play rugby then I'll be happy.
Have a good week everyone!
PS. This cracked me up...

gorgeous boy