Let's see how much my car accident has cost me:
Insurance exess (550) + tow charge (150) + compound release charge (100) = sad Luke
As I'm sure you can imagine, I'm quite skint at the moment! So I've not done much this past week and probably won't until payday on the 28th although I did go out Friday night to drown my monetary sorrows. It was a good laugh. I managed to get my flesh tunnell knocked out of my ear but a bit of luck finally came my way and I randomly found it at the end of the night right on other side of the club! I drunkenly shoved it back in my ear while crazily rejoicing. I hope it wasn't someone elses....
I stayed up to watch the boxing on Sunday morning which was also good. Although me and my mate thought it started at 2am so were a tad tired by the time it started around 5am!
Weather has been awful but it was a little sunny Sunday afternoon...

I watched the new James Bond last night on an HD screen at the new cinema in town. The quaily was awesome, shame the film wasn't; 6/10. Action was great, storyline not so.
What else? Oh yeah I skived off work today and probably will do again tomorrow because I can't stand being there at the moment. I spent most fo the day chatting on YIM and playing LBP. Highly productive.
Possibly going to Essex this weekend if I can afford it. Anyway, that's all for now. Adios.
Insurance exess (550) + tow charge (150) + compound release charge (100) = sad Luke
As I'm sure you can imagine, I'm quite skint at the moment! So I've not done much this past week and probably won't until payday on the 28th although I did go out Friday night to drown my monetary sorrows. It was a good laugh. I managed to get my flesh tunnell knocked out of my ear but a bit of luck finally came my way and I randomly found it at the end of the night right on other side of the club! I drunkenly shoved it back in my ear while crazily rejoicing. I hope it wasn't someone elses....

I stayed up to watch the boxing on Sunday morning which was also good. Although me and my mate thought it started at 2am so were a tad tired by the time it started around 5am!
Weather has been awful but it was a little sunny Sunday afternoon...

I watched the new James Bond last night on an HD screen at the new cinema in town. The quaily was awesome, shame the film wasn't; 6/10. Action was great, storyline not so.
What else? Oh yeah I skived off work today and probably will do again tomorrow because I can't stand being there at the moment. I spent most fo the day chatting on YIM and playing LBP. Highly productive.
Possibly going to Essex this weekend if I can afford it. Anyway, that's all for now. Adios.
aww it fucking sucks ass, it seems to be happening to everyone at the moment!.cool pic dude!shitone about the acciedent, hope you werent hurt?x
still think of you <3