I don't think NE1 will call me tonight to hang out and that sux. trevor called and we talked. i dunno what will happen. it's over but he wants me to go to Korea for two weeks . I really shouldn't of quit my job but this works i guess. i get to see more of my nephews! but i dunno. there's that bass i want. if i did sg i could afford but i have no one to take my pictures.
I don't think NE1 will call me tonight to hang out and that sux. trevor called and we talked. i dunno what will happen. it's over but he wants me to go to Korea for two weeks . I really shouldn't of quit my job but this works i guess. i get to see more of my nephews! but i dunno. there's that bass i want. if i did sg i could afford but i have no one to take my pictures.
Yes you do, you just don't know it.
what do you mean?