do you ever look at someone and realize over the years they developed a frankenstein personality? like they just stole characteristics from other people? like you?
At the movies these high schoolers really pissed me off. I told them off and that made me even more angry. It was like "Thanx for fucking with my karma bitches!" I hate immature little assholes like that though. It's like this year you'll graduate and hopefully see what a little shit you are.
NEway the cat next door is pregers. she is trying to find a place to have her kitties. I want to let her come in the house so that she can have them some place warm but I can't. I think she is gonna have them within the next 24 hours though. I wonder what we are doing tonight. I kinda hope it's a stay in ice cream and cookies night. Get some movies buy some Barcardi Zombie and just chill. But who am I kidding? It's a Friday night will end up at stupid Jerry's or Stockman's and bitch about men and how we can't live with 'em or without 'em. But I dunno know now that Sam has a boy toy. I wanna boy toy.
At the movies these high schoolers really pissed me off. I told them off and that made me even more angry. It was like "Thanx for fucking with my karma bitches!" I hate immature little assholes like that though. It's like this year you'll graduate and hopefully see what a little shit you are.
NEway the cat next door is pregers. she is trying to find a place to have her kitties. I want to let her come in the house so that she can have them some place warm but I can't. I think she is gonna have them within the next 24 hours though. I wonder what we are doing tonight. I kinda hope it's a stay in ice cream and cookies night. Get some movies buy some Barcardi Zombie and just chill. But who am I kidding? It's a Friday night will end up at stupid Jerry's or Stockman's and bitch about men and how we can't live with 'em or without 'em. But I dunno know now that Sam has a boy toy. I wanna boy toy.