So, I went to get my ears stretched yesterday in Venice. I had had 00s in for ages, so when the yummy piercer put the 7/16" tapers through, I couldn't feel a thing. I was not satisfied with this, of course, so I went down the street and bought some ridiculously expensive 1/2" lapis lazuli plugs and brought them back so he could put them in. The right ear went in with almost no trouble, just a little rip where i had ripped a while ago, and minimal bleeding. The left ear, on the other hand, was a little bit more problematic. Try as he could, he could not get the 1/2" taper through. So now I have a lapis plug in my right ear, and my old 00 tunnel in my left ear with 2 heavy rings hanging from it to get it to stretch to the size of my right. In short, I am a pirate.
Was just looking at your pics. damm girl your hot. 

you're pretty (articulate for a pirate).