hello everyone!!!
i love Lenore this is such a funny comic book!!!! Roman Dirge such a good artist!!!
i feel a bit better, i have started to get up early again and i m gonna spend the day working on my clothing project, it s a bit difficult as i want to get a perfect design and perfection doesn t exist so i keep throwing things into the bin when they don t look like what i have in mind: i ve always had trouble getting what s in my mind out and onto a sheet of paper!!! well i guess it s just about practicing a lot!!!
if someone has any advice about clothing designs creation, i mean designs for tshirts hoodies and stuff, let me know!!
that all for now!! have fun with this!!

Hope it is as Hazardous as A Hootenanny in HELL!!!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Gorewhore...
Slimy Smooches