Three of my favorite girls have been archived. Whats happening to SG? The way is seems to be going all the established models are going to be archived and there going to be a whole bunch of new fairly unknown girls. I'm starting to not like whats happening.
The boards are getting bad too. I don't like the way alot of members with 1000+ comments...
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The boards are getting bad too. I don't like the way alot of members with 1000+ comments...
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yeah no problem. I wonder why that know-it-all thinks everything has to be to his standards
Anytime, petal! I completely understand where you're coming from and agree so thought I'd add my piece.

One of my oldest and closest friends little brother killed himself on wednesday. The kid was 11 years old. Still in primary school. It's far too tragic and horrible to put in to words. I can't understand why an 11 year old little boy would do that. He has a great loving family, what could be so terrible in a childs live that they would...
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i thought your Cuba post was very interesting considering how poorly the US handled the hurricanes...
and holy fuck no 11 year old boy should commit suicide. that is sad.
how is your friend doing?
and holy fuck no 11 year old boy should commit suicide. that is sad.

Oh god damn. I don't know what to say.

So yeah its been a while since i updated. Nothing much has been happening, well nothing interesting enough to talk about. Haha i am ace right now i am listening to David Bowie, Dance Magic from Labyrinth, i adore that film i havent watched it in ages, must do that soon.
I went to the pictures with my little cousins and my aunty and uncle...
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I went to the pictures with my little cousins and my aunty and uncle...
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Hey you!
Nice to hear from you! Hows things...?
I found lots of interesting little I've just got to clean them up!
Nice to hear from you! Hows things...?
I found lots of interesting little I've just got to clean them up!
Hey that site looks pretty cool, I will definitely try to make my way into some of the discussions their, the CPC canada board went down after a major problem in quebec way back in january and it still hasnt been up since, I have been thinking of trying to get a board up for Alberta at least, so this board givse me hope that something like it will be possible for the CPC in Alberta at least.
(needs a picture of Trtosky as well hehe me nitpick)
(needs a picture of Trtosky as well hehe me nitpick)
My Godson was born today. Murray Urquker, Born at 10.54am by c-section, 8 pounds 3. And absolutly gorgeous.

congrats and well double congrats
there is a band in the states called stars fell on
maybe was not sure small little college town group
there is a band in the states called stars fell on
maybe was not sure small little college town group
congrats and well double congrats
there is a band in the states called stars fell on
maybe was not sure small little college town group
there is a band in the states called stars fell on
maybe was not sure small little college town group
So i'e decided i dont want to go back to college this year. Im taking a year out, i've got a job just now so everything sorted. I'm going to Uni next year, which ill have to look into how i apply outwith a school or college, i'll see about that later in the week or next week.
I'll have to go into college sometime...
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I'll have to go into college sometime...
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You're off to Cuba eh?
I assume you already have the qualifications you need for Uni then? What were you still doing at college?
I assume you already have the qualifications you need for Uni then? What were you still doing at college?
you deserve better, girl.

I probably have alot of things to say but i can't really think just now. Matthews Gran passed away on wednesday, and i feel pretty usless. There not really much i can do though i guess. Mondays the funeral, i'm sort of dreading it. I know it will drag up memorys that i would rather not think about. But i have to be strong for...
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So how did your weekend go? Hope it worked out ok....
Whats the deal with the opticians...? You got glasses or contacts now?
And as for your, I haven't been eating scones, although we were talking about them yesterday during a tea break. So there!
So how did your weekend go? Hope it worked out ok....
Whats the deal with the opticians...? You got glasses or contacts now?
And as for your, I haven't been eating scones, although we were talking about them yesterday during a tea break. So there!

So i've had the most rubbish last three weeks. I think i can count on the one hand the number of time i have gotten to see Matthew. Not that we have even done much, we went to the cinema on Sunday, how really exciting. Thats about the most we have done. Oh yeah and played badmintion twice.
He's going to some riddiculus SSP camp,...
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He's going to some riddiculus SSP camp,...
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HAH! You said it! I heard you!
Sorry to hear that.
Good luck with the dealing...
Good luck with the dealing...

So i thought and thought about whether i should update or not, and i deciided nah i can't be bothered i'll do it later...
I am an idiot

I am an idiot

I was born in Dunfermline and lived in Rosyth until I was six. We moved to Southern California until I was thirteen then moved back to Scotland for one year before returning to So Cal for good.
My family is still in Edinburgh and Fife.
My family is still in Edinburgh and Fife.
I already modified it.

I've had about enough of that stupid thread "hardcore/softcore porn" Honestly. Some people find it so difficult to accept the fact people have their own opinions. My point i was trying to make was that accepting money for one job is no worse than accepting it for another. Regardless of the details of that job. If you work you get paid for it. Quite simple...
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Must have missed that thread!
How was the BBQ? Bit hot here to do anything other than just sit in the shade.
How was the BBQ? Bit hot here to do anything other than just sit in the shade.
yeah, i saw that thread. I pretty much got what you were trying to say, it's just a shame other people didn't, i guess.
Well well boys and girls only a few hours now till i leave for t in the park! Actually really looking forward to it now. Right now im just sat about killing time till matthew gets in from work so we can go go go.
I think i over packed again this year, i cant help it i think of ever possible senario and end...
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I think i over packed again this year, i cant help it i think of ever possible senario and end...
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Sounds like a good time was had by all.
I didn't see or hear any of it on TV/radio. Quite an achievement I think...
I didn't see or hear any of it on TV/radio. Quite an achievement I think...
Not at all.