... computer is on the fritz right now, a couple friends, including one mr. asvetic are taking care of the problem, i have like a kazillion viruses but i think they are mostly at bay right now. i wonder why these assholes create viruses in the first place? are they just bored fuckers that are mad at the world, and have entirely too much free time on their hands, or do they actually think that they are serving some real purpose in life? i could understand doing it to someone you don't like, sort of a revenge type thing, but just shooting all sorts of ridiculous bullshit out there, wrecking the computers of perfect strangers, that's just fucking moronic if you ask me, which chances are you didn't, but you got my opinion anyways...
... i love you...
... i love you...
oh this guy and his poor computer, won't someone just front the money so he can get a decent one that's from the 21st century? Help a guy out.