... just got home from night 2, the final night of the ryan adams shows, and i must say, he never ceases to amaze. the first night was just a crazy drunken rock n' roll show, he went through a few bottles of red wine, played until he couldn't play anymore, and then jumped into the drum set, shortly followed my an equpiment throwing match between himself and the drummer, and then he finally retired to the keyboard to halfway play a new song. night 2 was a little more tame as far as alcohol consumption went, hearing "wish you were here" 3 times in a row was both entertaining, and great (should have been there miranda), and the acoustic encore was fucking amazing. i'm not really sure which show was better, but i won't complain about either. oh and by the way, the opening band, the stills, were absolutely wonderful as well...
kisses kisses kisses kisses kisses kisses.......and there is more to come
Luv Sinn