well well, isn't life grand.

i spent this week in the hospital.
why, you ask?

because i got bit by a fuckin recluse spider.
and the doctors wouldn't listen to me until i had two holes in me, one the size of a fuckin penny.
so finally, they put me in surgery and cut them out.

oh, what a wonderful week.

other than that,...
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well, isn't life delightful.

i'm insanely bored.

long distance relationships suck.

i was super hot yesterday. i looked like a porn star. but no one took pictures whatever

i might have to sell my el camino. that makes me a sad panda.

saw resident evil2.

i want alice to be my boyfriend.... love

i have alot of sexy underwear. i didn't realize how much i really had....
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UNDEROOOO's, girls in underoo's make me a happy boy wink
do long distance relationships suck, I hope not I'm just starting one and I am already getting that hint
ARRR!!! yearg!

not much going on. i have dial up in my room now, and it takes 52 million years to load this site. and that makes me sad.

i proposed to sean. he rocks. and he's so god damned hot. mm mm mm.

how is everyone else doing?

Thats so funny, that you say re-re I used that all the time until my little brother started saying it. He's to much of a
re-re to use such a great word
it's funny, how life can twist and turn so suddenly everything you thought you understood, is completely upside down, and nothing makes sense anymore. someone just told me what they saw when the looked at me. and....they were right. they were exactly right. and i didn't expect that. especially from them...not quite sure how to deal with it.

in other news, finally got the net...
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wow - sounds great - to see your beaux...
indeed - life can throw those curve balls at us - and then what we have taken for granted - or otherwise thought was a certain way shift focus and appear another way - it all boils down to perspective in my opinion... perspective is malleable and changes from time to time... I would suggest just rolling with it - that has been the best advice I could ever give... adaptation is the greatest thing we have.

Well - have fun - appreciate life - and I will post ya later beautiful
i was in ridgecrest not too long ago. surreal
that was my first trip. are you from there or just passing through?
sorry i've been gone so long!! i till don't have the net in my room, so for the most part i can only use it at work, and there is a strict no-looking-at-naked-girlies policy, unfortunately. damn the luck...but i do have several pics to upload, hopefully soon. until then, much love darlings. i miss you while i'm gone....
woo. all kinds of new pictures. need to fix profile pic though...note to self....blarg.
Hello you dont look like anyone I know and it's fucking cool.
Hey, thanks for adding me as a friend! Looking forward to getting to know ya...BP

[Edited on Jul 13, 2004 4:16PM]
today, i wore fairy wings.

all day.

because it was thursday.

and fairy wings make me happy.

i have a picture or two, just have to get them from my sister. it was hilarious. we got such strange looks. but we made alot of people smile. i'm so fricken wierd....and i love every second of it.

fairy wings huh? how cool - did you fly? i have always wanted to fly.

thanks for the birthday wishes - not too late - it's the thought that counts - right? thanks....

it went fairly well - the first part of the day was pretty blah and poopy - but it got better...... ending up with me - allegedly - falling just outside of the bar...

one more week of school for me - then its 'hello summer' - now if i could just get the weather to cooperate now.... shit.

post ya later....
ah, so much going on i've hardly had time to update. le sigh....so, big news is....I GOT A NEW CAR!!! brand motherfucking new ford focus, cherry red, it's soooo fucking gorgeous. i'm sooo excited....getting ready to move as well. packing sucks. i feel like i'm putting my whole life into boxes...but, really it's not that bad i suppose. i'm giong to see the burlesque show...
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and woo! that you gots your tongue pierced....... when i get some money i am going to get my ears pierced with a large guage piercing...... probably even my nipple..... just a thought...... what have you been up to? Tom fuckin Waits rawks.....
not up to much right now - other than homewrok and a lot of procrastination...... have fun in LA
my kitten got hit by a car this morning. lament. frown
so i got my tongue pierced yesterday. it's fuckin hot. i love it. i really thought it was going to hurt like hell, but it hardly hurt at all, really. just that last bit of flesh before it went all the way through, but after that, it was fine. didn't swell up or anything. it's great. well, i'm giong to get back to dying my...
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Black is cool......mine is black too. Or pretty close to black. I might also bleach it, then dye it so it is really black.

Hope you are enjoying the tongue pericing......
well well - going for a 3rd entry in your journal - there ya have it...............
well, i think it's about damn time i start writing in here. life has been rather hectic as of late, and i just haven't found the time. oh, but how i love this site. i remember when there were only a few days, and hardly anyone knew about this site....oh the days. of course i didn't have the money for a membership then...more's the pity....
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