i trace this line as it fades away
an icon of profanity
it's no longer hostile
it has become a welcome hello
so flip the bird and smile
dividing lines of past and present
boundaries wane
when love turned to heartbreak
happiness turned to sadness
the fondest memories.
recollecting brings tears
tears flow to rivers
drown in yesterday
and i catch my gondola every night
Depression has become romanticized
a razorblade is the only lover i have ever known
erotically transmit death
cure my headache surnamed lonely
this card i hold is the only gamble i have left
sitting in the diner. tonight was worth my trek. and we were sitting across from one another. Headphones accessorizing our burdened minds. Filling eardrums with inspiration.
as he sits across from me listening to the female vocals resonate he draws out his frustrations. line by line. sketch by sketch.
i sit across from him letting the music settle me. i read and i write. i stare at the door. any movement and i glance up... hoping he is walking in.
it's been 3 hours. he won't arrive.
i check my phone. unsurprised at no messages nor missed calls.
i gave up another journey yesterday. more guilt trips to knock me down are on their way. a comfortable hug and i'm still a mess. nothing seems to calm me anymore. my place of solace is gone.
i'm concentrating on how to fix what's wrong. my mind is jumbles. i don't know where to begin. smoking my cigarettes to the same son. the beat like my tobacco driven clock. hit repeat and i become a chimney.
my solace tainted by youth and it's relatives. by the drama it invites. with luck turning bad and controversy plaguing me i wonder why i am an insomniac. sarcasm saves.
with this i venture home.
happy thanksgiving everyone. for hte last few days i've been nerding it up watching lord of the rings (all three) over and over again. talk about pathetic haha but i heart it so.
an icon of profanity
it's no longer hostile
it has become a welcome hello
so flip the bird and smile
dividing lines of past and present
boundaries wane
when love turned to heartbreak
happiness turned to sadness
the fondest memories.
recollecting brings tears
tears flow to rivers
drown in yesterday
and i catch my gondola every night
Depression has become romanticized
a razorblade is the only lover i have ever known
erotically transmit death
cure my headache surnamed lonely
this card i hold is the only gamble i have left
sitting in the diner. tonight was worth my trek. and we were sitting across from one another. Headphones accessorizing our burdened minds. Filling eardrums with inspiration.
as he sits across from me listening to the female vocals resonate he draws out his frustrations. line by line. sketch by sketch.
i sit across from him letting the music settle me. i read and i write. i stare at the door. any movement and i glance up... hoping he is walking in.
it's been 3 hours. he won't arrive.
i check my phone. unsurprised at no messages nor missed calls.
i gave up another journey yesterday. more guilt trips to knock me down are on their way. a comfortable hug and i'm still a mess. nothing seems to calm me anymore. my place of solace is gone.
i'm concentrating on how to fix what's wrong. my mind is jumbles. i don't know where to begin. smoking my cigarettes to the same son. the beat like my tobacco driven clock. hit repeat and i become a chimney.
my solace tainted by youth and it's relatives. by the drama it invites. with luck turning bad and controversy plaguing me i wonder why i am an insomniac. sarcasm saves.
with this i venture home.
happy thanksgiving everyone. for hte last few days i've been nerding it up watching lord of the rings (all three) over and over again. talk about pathetic haha but i heart it so.
...Just So You Know.
Anyway... Rat Bastard!
Alas, pain is good for poetry, isn't it? Don't hermit out on us, and stay starry-eyed, you song-repeating chimney-stack, you. I'm prayin' that you don't burn out, or fade away...
I don't think I can come to karaoke anymore. It's too hard. It was something "we" always did. And that's no longer. All good things must come to an end I guess, as they say. I hate it but it looks like it's true.
I hate it when things change and the wind blows the wrong way. It... makes my crotch hurt. hah... lame i know I'm lame...
I'm going to miss a lot of things. But as you say, I think Operation Hermit might have to happen for me. I need to heal. A lot.