What does Michael Jackson and cavar have in common????
they both like to cum on liitle white crackers...

just have to write it down,,
sorry i havent been on lately...i have stupid dial up and it well is so slow...and i have A.D.D. so while im painfully waiting on something to load up something somewhat good comes on tv and i get distracted. then i just plain forget all about it... nothing personal. i just have no life and no real personal contact while at home...at work i have to be all smiles and southerness.
i went to PA this last weekend it was COLD. i froze my ass off....*sigh* i wish...but yeah i really liked being up north...they dont have that whole being nice cus thats what you been told to do thing going on for them. i saw lake erie...its like the ocean...really freaking kool. the mall there is in the shape of a gun...like a handgun...it was so kool. i ate my weight in chicken wings...they are so good...they have like 100 resturants that serve them there...and they all have like 50 favors... just too kool. went to zoo boo...saw 1,000 little kids dressed up in their costumes..all the animals out at night. never gone to a zoo at night before...
thats about it folks...some exciting weekend.....if anyone needs a friend im free...and ill try to check my messages more oftern.....to all of my friends that write me you know i love you...im just shitty about writing back....oh well i got big boobs...its a trade off....
later gators


Don't make me come up there with some of my special aphrodisiac chicken wings!

hi sweety ...for you tonight ....