im depressed...
i had my over the phone interview with the umemployment corp. and i thought it would go better then this.... the lady i think wanted to trip me up and get me to say something about how i was fired to make it look like i did something when i didnt. but i stayed with my story which actually is the truth YAY!!! no i have to do more waiting im straving over here if anyone has any food stamps or extra cash to help a poor girl out now is the time people NOW is the time
i dont usually beg its just hard...ive only had one job offer walmart but they were going to hire me for the deli and i would
all over the place if i had to do that work. i rather part take in working a Mickey D's haha.....sigh,,,,,,,oh oh if anyone hears about any good jobs ( ive had 4 years of retail managment experience) let me know PLEASE>>>that would be swell
if anyone does want to loan me some cash ill pay it back....when i get on my feet....thanks well for now im going to do more job looking....later gators.....

don't let other people make you feel that way. you'll find a job!!!