Hi there, my bestest friend Heidi got my a year to SG for Christmas isnt she swell!!! ive been going on and on about wanting to have my own i guess she got tired of me bitching!! i really want to become a SG myself i just dont know how to get going on it so if anyone knows let me know!!! please!!! i got a new digital camera for christmas too so i can take some fun pics yay fun.
im taking care of my roomate's sister dog which is like a mini reindeer ( i hate him) he poops inside everywhere ugh i gotta go see if he'll do anything outside
later gator

later gator
oh oh just so that everyone knows the black glitter eyeliner pencil at hot topic actually works. so if you had any doubts like i did, its good and it works.
By the way, do you ever go out to see any of the local bands play? We were just at a great show last night (in Salem) and it was a lot of fun, as usual. It's the best bunch of people we've ever known here. The punk crowd.
(Don't worry about the ADD...I'm sometimes sure I have it myself! As you can see, I'm kind of rambling)
Yeah...being a SG would be cool. It's a great way to show off ink and piercings and just be yourself. So far, I've had my 1st 3 photos accepted and am waiting to hear back from the actual set I sent in. If you haven't discovered it yet...go to the model page and it'll tell you the first initial steps. Then join the SG hopefuls group where you can get every tip you need. There's a lot of important stuff there.