I'm enjoying my last day in LA! Eariler today I had coffee with Brandy and Voltaire. I think Voltaire has to be one of the hottest girls i've ever seen. Right now i'm sitting at Brandy's house. She's such a sweetheart, it makes me smile on the inside. I'm thinking that the next set I do i'm gonna try the self photography thing. I haven't quite captured what i've wanted here yet. The LP set was good, but i'm not sure how much it really looks like me. See any of my candids and tell me what you think. I need to figure out how to pose that a bit more flattering, I still get nervous when i'm shooting. I'll be home Fri morning... then I can get back online on a regular basis. Thanks for everyones kind comments on my latest set. Talk to everyone soon
*MINI UPDATE* Fri morning...
Made it home safe. Wondering something... I have 66 friends requests pending... and only 12 comments in my journal... If everyone wants to be my friend how come no one talks to me?

*MINI UPDATE* Fri morning...
Made it home safe. Wondering something... I have 66 friends requests pending... and only 12 comments in my journal... If everyone wants to be my friend how come no one talks to me?

remember who the OG friends are...word
excellent set by the way
a hot multi set would be other girls trying to show you how to be more suggestive in posing
=-> Alecks
=-> Alecks