Well I quit the day job and start an afternoon one on Monday. This makes me happy, but the countdown for rent is 5 days and I need $800 more. I'm pretty fucked. Other than that things are pretty normal. I got a new sewing machine and i've been trying to teach myself how to use it right. I'm getting pretty decent at reconstructing things but there's so much to learn. Lessons are way to fucking expensive. No one knows a nice grandma in the Orlando area that would give me lessons do they
How the fuck have you kids been?

i was contemplating quitting my job as it hasn't been the fairy tale i hyped myself up to believe it would be. but now my boss is changing positions so it's one less reason to leave.
i never learned to sew either! my mum is ace and tried to teach me but i sucked. now when i need something sewn my brother does it heehee
hope you got through the rent drama okay and the new job is going fantastic xox